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Are Australian Shepherds (Aussies) Good Running Partners?

Australian Shepherds are very smart and good herding dogs interesting for all kinds of activities like running or biking. These medium-sized companions are ideal for active owners or families. As working dogs, they will always need a job to do. Australian Shepherds can be bored quite easily and have behavioral issues without proper exercising!

What activities could help you entertain your buddy? As an active dog owner, you should consider running with your companion. Are Aussies good jogging partners? Let me share with you what I found on these intelligent furballs!

Australian Shepherd Running Partner

Yes, Australian Shepherds are among the best dog breeds to run with. With their unlimited energy, stamina, and working instinct, they are awesome running partners! With regular runs, you will also keep your buddy mentally and physically stimulated. These loyal, energetic, smart and nice dogs are amazing jogging and life companions!

How Much Exercise Does Your Aussie Need?

These dogs are very active and require a lot of exercise every day. That’s why considering running with them could be a very good idea. Other intense activities such as Frisbee, dog agility or hiking can also be very interesting to spend your companion’s energy!

Australian Shepherd On Rocks

Australian Shepherds need around 2 hours of daily exercise. This physical and mental activity requirement doesn’t have to be jogging only. Some dogs can be in good health with 30 to 60 minutes of an intense sport like running every day. Allow your companion to try other sports such as swimming, play fetch or even Frisbee!

Don’t run 2 hours with your buddy every single day, that’s not necessary and it can be too much. Over-exercise your furry friend can also be extremely bad for him. Around 30-45 minutes of intense physical effort is enough for most Aussies. After that, you can enjoy low energy activities such as walking, playing in the water, etc. Overall, your active companion should have at least 2 hours to spend his energy, enjoy games and play with you!

Running with your Australian Shepherd is ideal to give regular exercise to him and you. This intense dog sport has many benefits for both of you. That’s why I think like many experts that every Aussie owner should at least try to run with their buddy!

Can You Run With Your Australian Shepherd?

Most Aussies will love to be your jogging companion. However, some dogs aren’t suitable to run with their owner. Even high-energy breeds can have difficulty keeping up with your pace. Fortunately, there’s almost always a way to adapt this activity to your buddy’s conditions!

Australian Shepherd Running Around

How Can You Know If Your Aussie Is Suitable To Run?

Don’t assume your furball can run, this sport could hurt or injure him seriously. On the contrary, you should analyze your Aussie’s capacities to make sure he’s suitable to run. Here are some conditions that could restrict your dog from jogging!


Some dog breeds are better running partners than others. Unfortunately, a few breeds aren’t even suitable to jog with their owner. That’s not the case for Aussies, but buddies like Bulldogs, Mastiffs or Basset Hounds can have difficulties jogging more than 1or 2 mile (1.6 or 3.2 km). Australian Shepherds are good running companions, so don’t worry about this element to run with your buddy!


Your dog must be in good health before he starts an intense sport. This is essential for his well-being and to prevent unnecessary pain or injuries. Aussies can be susceptible to some structure conditions such as hip or elbow dysplasia!

Australian Shepherd In Forest

These malformations should restrict your buddy to run. Constant pressure on your dog’s joints could injure him if he doesn’t have a good structure. (You should enjoy swimming with these dogs!) Structural issues are the most common restrictions that could make your Australian Shepherd not suitable for running!


Your furball can be less tolerant of the heat or cold because of his coat. Aussies can run in relatively cold climates with their warm undercoat. Nonetheless, you should avoid especially long runs with your companion during hot days. I will share with you later how hot is too hot for these furballs!


This shouldn’t be a problem at all for this breed. These athletic dogs have plenty of energy and normally enjoy running. However, some furry friends won’t have the desire to jog with their owners. That can be disappointing, but you need to respect your buddy’s limits or preferences!


Australian Shepherds with good health and no structure problems should be good running partners. The best way to know if your furball can jog is to visit your vet. This expert in animal health will give you personal advice about your dog’s conditions. In general, almost all Aussies are incredibly fast, tough, and fun jogging companions!

Can Mini Aussies Run?

What about miniature Australian Shepherds? These furry pets are maybe smaller but can have at least the same energy as Aussies. Medium-sized dogs are normally better jogging partners, but some small dogs are also very good. For example, Jack Russell Terriers are interesting to run long distances even with their little legs!

Mini Australian Shepherd Running Partner

Mini Aussies are not as good running companions as Australian Shepherds, but they are well suited to run. Their speed, stamina, and energy make them awesome runners, despite their height. Almost everything you will discover in this article can be useful if you own a Miniature Australian Shepherd!

Are Australian Shepherds Good Running Partners?

These active pets are in the top 10 (or even 5) dog breeds to run with. Their intelligence makes them very easy to train for running, canicross, dog agility, etc. These adventure dogs are ideal for outdoor activities and intense sports such as cross country. You won’t find many other jogging companions with so much speed, agility, and ease to run!

Many sites put them among the best breed to run with! Go see it on Spruce Pet, Runner’s World, and Outside Online sites. [Links Open In a New Tab]

Aussies will have enough energy to keep up with probably every pace. Many owners are biking with them to go faster and spend their energy without running a marathon every day. They can be very good to run in trails with obstacles. Australian Shepherds will love to take part in things like Spartan Race, Mud Race or any kind of obstacle runs that could be very fun!

What Dog’s Characteristics Makes Good Running Partners?

Many things are common to the best dog breeds to run with. The size, some physical features, and athletic qualities are essential to jogging well. Things like fast speed, good stamina, solid structure and a lot of energy can help!

However, it will depend on your goals and running level. Your perfect furry partner isn’t the same as mine because we have different needs. There’s so much information about the conditions to be a good jogging partner on the web. Whatever, Aussies are generally amazing to enjoy any type of running!

Is Running Good For Australian Shepherds?

Running can be very good for your buddy. Nonetheless, some dogs that aren’t suitable for this sport could not benefit from it. Most Australian Shepherds have the opportunity to do so, don’t miss that chance. Here are some benefits of running with your dog!

Australian Shepherd Running In Snow

Great Source of Exercise!

First of all, this active dog sport will allow them to spend their energy and have regular exercise. This is very important for their well-being, especially for high energy breeds. Without proper exercising, Aussies could have destructive behavior. Therefore, it’s essential to stimulate them physically and mentally!

Motivation To Work Out!

Another benefit of running with your Aussie is to have a motivation to exercise him and yourself at the same time. Once you start this activity with your dog, he can be very persuasive when he wants to go jogging. Getting in better shape and health isn’t easy, but improve your lifestyle drastically, believe me. That’s why some extra motivation is always interesting!

Good Bonding!

An advantage for both the animal and the owner is to create a solid bond. Having a good relationship with your buddy is more than satisfying. Your dog can be your best friend for the rest of his life, and that’s amazing!

Other Benefits!

Many other advantages of running should convince you to start this sport. Regular jogs will make you enjoy the outdoors and take fresh air. That’s also a great activity to reduce stress and organize your thoughts. Overall, running with your Aussie is something that will improve the happiness and well-being of both yourself and your dog!

5 Running Tips To Run With Your Aussie!

Australian Shepherd Ready To Run

Teach Your Australian Shepherd Running The Right Way!

Even if your buddy is easy to train, you still need to prepare him well for running. There are many ways to teach your dog how to run, but they aren’t all simple!

I create an article about 21 dos and don’ts to help you master the art of running your Aussie. With this guideline, you will be able to teach your companion the proper manner to jog. Anybody can do it; you just need the right information to get started!

The Temperature Matters!

Most dogs can’t tolerate extreme heat or cold temperatures very well. That’s why it’s critical to know when the weather is OK for your running partner. Happily, Australian Shepherds have a very good fur coat that protects them in cold climates. In general, these furballs can tolerate cold temperatures up to 14 degrees Fahrenheit (-10°C) while running or walking!

Aussies are also not too bad to run in the heat. Nonetheless, they shouldn’t do intense sports when the heat is over 70-75°F (21-24°C). Don’t forget that running in extreme temperatures can be extremely dangerous or even deadly!

Don’t Run Your Puppy or Senior Aussie!

Puppies aren’t suitable to jog because they are still growing. Intense sport can hurt or injure these fragile pups permanently. Don’t run your Aussie before he’s fully grown (around 12 to 16 months of age)!

Puppy Australian Shepherd

Senior dogs can also have issues with jogging. Some very healthy buddies will tolerate intense sport for a long time. However, most Australian Shepherds should find a lower energy activity at their golden age!

Increase The Difficulty of Your Runs Slowly!

Preparation is the key to enjoy this sport safely. Don’t assume your buddy is a runner, train him to become one. Start smoothly and increase your speed, intensity, distance, and frequency gradually. An interesting thing to do is to improve from 15% one of these running factors each week until you find your happy running pace!

Pay Attention To Your Dog!

This is the most important advice I can share with you. Too often I see a dog owner running with his companion without ever looking at him. It’s OK to run with earphones, but don’t neglect your Aussie’s safety because of that!

If your dog needs something, you will notice it with some sign. Once you start understanding your running partner language, everything will be easier. Remember to always pay attention to your furry friend to keep him happy, safe and in good health!

Find more tips to run with your aussie safely on The Smart Canine blog! [Link Open In a New Tab]

Last Thoughts About If Australian Shepherds Are Good Running Partners!

Finally, running with Australian Shepherds is an excellent idea. They will enjoy daily or regular jogs with their owner. This activity will allow them to exercise and have fun. Other intense sports can be very effective to spend your Aussie limitless energy!

Aussie Running In Sand

Personally, my Labrador and I love to run together. I also thought many times to own an Aussie and run with him. If you have this opportunity to jog with your buddy, take it without any hesitation. Australian Shepherds are natural good running partners, don’t waste their talent!

I hope that this article helps you understand how running with your dog could be fun. Whatever you choose running, dog agility, Frisbee, hiking, canicross, biking or any other dog sport, find one that you both will enjoy!