About Page | My Experience With Dog Sports And Training!
Who I am?

Hello, I’m Sacha the creator of the Doggie Sport Blog. This web site is all about helping dog owners to be more active with their companions. I want to help you find fun canine activities to enjoy!
Who Am I To Give You Advice?
I’m simply a Labrador owner that wants to help people and dogs to stay healthy. Not a long ago, I was also neglecting my Labrador’s health and well being. With some time, hard work, and patience, I help her become in better shape with more exercise!
Here's my Labrador!
This is my beautiful dog that is named “Marshmallow.” She’s a mixed breed between a Labrador Retriever and Golden Retriever. With a companion like her, I can’t sit on my couch all day long. She requires a lot of exercise and mental stimulation. That’s why I decide to share my experience with dog sports, activities, games, and training on this blog!
What About Her Shape And Health?
Not a long time ago, she was quite overweight and not very active. Nonetheless, it’s wasn’t her fault if my family and I weren’t providing her with proper exercise. That’s where I started do become more active with my Labrador. With all my blog posts, I try to help you do the same thing!

Our Story!

Now, my dog is healthy, fit, and happy. However, it wasn’t always like that. Marshmallow was relatively overweight and bored a few months ago. To be honest with you, I was seriously neglecting her well-being!
After some reflexion, I finally make the commitment to help my Labrador to get in better shape. This is probably one of the best decisions I’ve take in my life. Whether it’s daily walks or dog sports, you both can benefit for it. Moreover, doing more exercise with your companion is very fun!