Every time I’m going out to the beach, my dog always wants to come with me. Even if she’s not the best furry swimmer out there, we can have a lot of fun together playing in the water or watch other dogs enjoy surfing. As a surfer, I also travel a lot to enjoy the best waves around the world. However, I’ve never seriously thought about surfing with my dog!

Many people think that it’s cruel to enjoy this board sport with these furry animals. Nonetheless, I’ve seen many dogs that look like they enjoy surfing. Before even considering trying this activity with my Labrador, I want to know if she can have fun on a surfboard. Therefore, I did some research to finally know if dogs enjoy surfing!
Not all dogs will like to surf if they don’t like water or sports in general. However, some dogs will enjoy surfing with some training and desensitization. It could be very fun to go out with a surfboard and have fun with your buddy riding waves. Assuming that dogs show interest and it’s done safely, surfing could be awesome for them!
Since when dogs can’t have fun doing sports? Whether it’s hiking, swimming, running or surfing, I’m sure that some dogs will love any of these activities. They can be afraid at the start and that’s normal, humans have the same reaction with unfamiliar things. Therefore, let’s see everything you should know about surfing with dogs and how they can enjoy this sport!
Do Dogs Enjoy Surfing?
If you already have enjoyed surfing in your life, you probably fall in love with this sport. Even if that’s very difficult at the start, it’s still a wonderful activity. I love to surf, and I can confirm that it’s more than a sport, it’s a lifestyle. Anyway, why would we not let dogs have the opportunity to enjoy surfing?
Some videos can make you doubt that some pooches can have fun on a surfboard. I know that it’s not easy to understand exactly how canine surfers feel when they ride waves. Nevertheless, it’s almost impossible that none of them enjoy surfing. Like humans, some dogs won’t like intense water sports. As the video will show you, they can enjoy most of our activities!
Like many dog surfing instructors, I think that dogs like that sport. As professionals, they are probably the best people to talk about that subject. Moreover, you can understand that dogs will simply enjoy spending time with their owners. Whether it’s on the couch or while surfing, just the fact to be with your buddy makes him happy. Doing active canine sports or activities can also be very interesting to keep you both in good health and shape!
Can All Dogs Enjoy or Like Surfing?
Unfortunately, it’s impossible to be 100% certain when dogs like surfing or not. These animals won’t be able to refuse spending time with their owners. For example, senior buddies could continue running even if it’s hurt them. (Is running bad or good for dogs?) It’s the same thing with surfing. Some dogs could surf for their owners even if they don’t enjoy riding waves. That’s why you shouldn’t try that sport with any type of dog!

Not all dogs or people are suitable to like surfing. Many people don’t like surfing because they don’t like water, it’s too difficult for many other reasons. Like humans, some dogs won’t be able to enjoy board or water sports!
Dog Surfing Expert Opinion!
Rob Kuty (Animal Trainer at the Helen Woodward Animal Center in San Diego), make it clear that surfing isn’t for all dogs:
“You only attempt surfing with dogs that love the beach and water. Dogs who fear or dislike either are almost impossible to train to surf, so you won’t find those dogs at these types of competitions. (Dog Surfing)”
Rob Kuty also has «Surf Schools» for dogs to train them in the summer at San Diego. Therefore, he knows what he said when he’s talking about dog surfing.
What Dogs Need To Be Suitable To Enjoy Surfing?

I would have a lot of fun surfing with my Labrador. Nonetheless, that doesn’t make her suitable to enjoy this sport. For example, my dog doesn’t like to swim, but she loves to play in the water (when she touches the ground) at the beach. Maybe with some motivation and desensitization, I could teach her how to enjoy swimming and eventually try to surf. Therefore, my Labrador «Marshmallow» isn’t well suited to enjoy surfing yet!
What About The Breed Concerning Surf?
Most people think that the dog breed is always the most important trait of their companions. It indeed influences your companion’s athletic abilities, but every dog is unique. His health, age, and personality also need to be considered to know if he’s suitable to surf. Furthermore, Kuty also affirmed that most breeds would be suitable to enjoy this sport safely. However, some dogs are more likely to have fun and perform well while surfing such as Retrievers or Bulldogs!
I’ve found all the information about Rob Kuty on Healthy Pets and Seeker sites! [Links Open In New Tabs]
Characteristics That Make Dogs Suitable For Surfing:
- Like The Beach.
- Enjoy The Water.
- Love To Swim.
- Relatively Athletic.
- Good Health And Shape.
- Etc.
This is all about common sense, not all dogs can have fun surfing or do it safely. You should always respect your dog’s limits and conditions. If you consider starting any sport with your pooch, you need to visit your vet. Whether it’s dog surfing, canicross or bikejoring, some dogs could have health or physical restrictions to enjoy these activities!
How To Help Your Dog To Have Fun Surfing?
Once you assure that your buddy is suitable to ride waves, there are some steps to follow. You can’t just go to the beach, rent a board (or bring yours) and put your dog on it to surf. It doesn’t work like that, any sport will take some time, effort, and training to begin. At the start, your buddy won’t be comfortable at all on the surfboard. As Kuty does, you should start by «Desensitizing the dogs to the board.»

It simply consists of encouraging your furry companion to stand on the board (on the sand) before anything else. You should also do the same thing (gear desensitization) before starting any kind of canine activity. For example, it’s essential to introduce dogs to treadmills before considering making them run on these machines!
After that, you will need to associate a good feeling of going on the board for your companion. Kuty does that positive reinforcement of “how great it is to stand on the boards by praising them when they are on the board and ignoring the dogs when they are off the boards.” As he said: “This has the positive result of making the dogs enjoy standing on the surfboards because they have been trained to understand that these boards are positive places to be.” With some time and training, you should be able to make your dog comfortable on the board!
Once they enjoy being on the surfboard, you can bring them in the water. However, that’s still not the time to start riding waves on the board for your buddy. First, he will need to feel the rhythm of the waves. After some time of desensitization to these unstable movements, he should seem cozier on his surfboard!
It’s Time To Go Surf!
Now, it’s finally time to give it a try and go surfing with your dog. Whether he stands forward, on the side or backward, that doesn’t have a lot of importance. Starting with small waves is always more efficient to make them enjoy that awesome sport gradually. Kuty also said, “the dogs that do a lot of surfing are water and beach-loving beings who have developed a positive association with their boards and have found a comfortable way to hang ten.”
After some practice, this could become a very fun activity to do with your companion. As a surfer, I would love not only to teach my dog how to surf but also to enjoy that sport with him. Luckily, it’s possible to train dogs to surf with them on the same board. Whether it’s alone on his board or with your on a SUP, I’m sure you and your dog will love surfing!
5 Steps To Enjoy Surfing With Dogs!
- Assure You That They Are (or He’s) Suitable To Surf!
- Introduce Them (or Him) To The Board! (On The Ground)
- Make Them (or Him) Feel Good On The Surfboard!
- Bring Them (or Him) In The Water On The Board! (Until They Are Comfortable)
- Start To Enjoy Surfing With Your Dog(s)!
4 Rules To Surf With Dogs!
Before enjoying surfing trips with your dog, there are some rules to respect. It’s not always safe for him to ride waves in the water. However, that’s more some pieces of advice to surf safely with your buddy than anything else. Let’s see what you should know before that you both can enjoy dog surfing!

Don’t Force Him To Surf!
You should never force your dog to do anything. Nonetheless, he won’t learn to surf without some help, motivation, and training. That’s why you can encourage your buddy to go on the board and eventually go surfing. At every step, you need to make sure he’s still comfortable, happy, and safe before to go the next one!
Safety First While Surfing!
Your dog’s safety should always be your priority number one. Assure you that he’s alright before, during and after every surf session. Furthermore, dogs should always have a life jacket when surfing. It could also be interesting to know that salt water isn’t very safe for them. Therefore, don’t let your buddy too long in the ocean, give him breaks, and don’t forget fresh water!
Watch The Surfing Conditions!
Some surfers don’t take the time to analyze the conditions before going into the water. To ride waves with your dog, you should be more careful. Whether it’s the bad weather, rip current or too high waves, these surfing conditions aren’t safe for your furry friend. Keep in mind that prevention is always better than cure especially when the risks are serious!
Have Fun!
I enjoy surfing for many reasons and benefits. What’s the best thing about being a surfer, is to enjoy every wave like it was your last one. That’s why I’m not a huge fan of dog (or human) surfing competitions. I highly recommend you remember that «The best surfer out there is the one having the most fun!»
5 Beach Activities Other Than Surfing With Dogs!
For those whose dogs aren’t suitable to surf, that’s not a problem. There are many other fun things to do at the beach. Therefore, it’s always interesting to bring your buddy to enjoy the ocean (dog-friendly beaches) with you. Here are the best canine activities to enjoy at the beach other than surfing!

- Play Fetch or Frisbee.
- Enjoy Swimming or Play In Waves.
- Walk or Run Alongside The Beach.
- Play In The Sand.
- Enjoy Picnicking.
- Watch Wildlife.
- Allow Your Dog To Dig.
- Explore The Area.
- Etc.
Last Thoughts About Enjoying Surf With Dogs!
Finally, most dogs can enjoy surfing safely. It could even be an awesome sport for those who like the water, beach and want to try new sports. Nonetheless, it’s not safe or made for every canine. I’m sure that some of you could have a lot of fun surfing with their dogs!

I would love to try that awesome water sport with my Labrador. If I succeed in making her more comfortable while swimming, you can be sure that I will try to introduce her to surfing. I hope this article helps you to understand that many dogs do enjoy surfing. I would love to see you on a dog-friendly beach teaching your dog how to surf!