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How Much Exercise Does Your Goldendoodle Need?

To keep your dog healthy and happy, you must provide him with proper physical activity and mental stimulation. It’s even more important for an active and intelligent mixed-breed such as the Goldendoodle.

Goldendoodle Playing In Snow

To meet his requirements, you should first understand what they are. So you might wonder how much exercise your dog needs?

How Much Exercise Does A Goldendoodle Need?

In general, a healthy adult Goldendoodle requires at least 30 to 60 minutes of exercise per day. This should be split into daily walks, purposeful activity, and mind enrichment. However, your Goldendoodle’s exercise needs can vary according to his age, health, energy level, and breeding type.

As a dog owner, it’s your responsibility to keep your Goldendoodle in good shape. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to how much exercise he needs. 

You have to consider your dog’s conditions and personality to determine what his requirements are. Thus, let me help you figure out what amount and type of workouts are appropriate for your Goldendoodle!

What Can Influence Your Goldendoodle’s Exercise Requirements?

Every dog is unique, especially with a mixed-breed such as the Goldendoodle. That’s why the previous rule of thumb may not be accurate for your buddy. If you want to understand how much exercise he needs more precisely, you should consider the following aspects.

How Old Is Your Goldendoodle? (Puppy VS Senior Goldendoodles)

Your dog’s age has a huge impact on the amount and type of physical activity that he should ideally get. From 30 to 60 minutes of daily exercise is only an appropriate guideline for an adult Goldendoodle. Puppies and senior dogs of this mixed-breed won’t need as much time to spend their energy.

How Much Exercise Does Your Puppy Goldendoodle Need?

During their development, young dogs don’t have a lot of stamina, and they are relatively fragile. That’s why it’s not recommended for them to do too much or too vigorous physical activity.

In general, around 5 minutes of moderate exercise up to twice per day is ideal for puppies. As an example, a 4-month-old Goldendoodle can require anywhere between 20 to 40 minutes of physical activity.

Puppy AgeExercise Needs
3 Months Old15-30 Minutes
4 Months Old20-40 Minutes
5 Months Old25-45 Minutes
6 Months Old30-60 Minutes
Exercise Needs Chart For A Goldendoodle Puppy.
How Much Exercise Does Your Senior Goldendoodle Need?

With age, your dog will slowly have less energy and become prone to more medical problems. However, it doesn’t mean that old Goldendoodles don’t need exercise. Maintaining an active lifestyle is still essential to keep them healthy and happy.

After your dog reaches 7 to 9 years old, you should start slightly reducing how much exercise you provide him with. In general, a senior Goldendoodle will probably need from 30 to 45 minutes of low-impact physical activity. This can include gentle walking, swimming, or any other joint-friendly workout.

Does Your Dog Have Any Special Health or Physical Conditions?

Another important factor to take into account is your Goldendoodle’s shape. This mixed-breed is generally healthy, but they are still prone to certain problems. That’s why I highly recommend you to do an overall check-up with your vet.

An expert point of view on your dog’s health can help you figure out how much exercise you should provide him with. He might have specific conditions that can restrict him from doing too much or too vigorous physical activity. 

How Much Energy Your Dog Has To Spend?

Goldendoodles are extremely active and playful companions. However, some of them are much more hyper than others. Each dog has a different level of energy, even those of the same breed. 

To determine how much exercise your Goldendoodle needs, you should consider his capacity to sustain physical activity. The more energy he has, the more workouts you should provide him to spend it.

What Type Of Goldendoodle Is He?

Mixed-breed dogs have drastically different temperaments and traits depending on their breeding. As you might have noticed, there are many variations in a Goldendoodle. That’s another reason why their exercise requirements are not always easy to determine.

There are so many sizes and types of Goldendoodles. In general, the larger they are, the more exercise they need. However, their personality and fitness level can still influence their requirements.

That’s why you have to consider your specific dog’s conditions to provide him with proper mental and physical activity. His weight, temperament, and many other factors determined by his type of Goldendoodle breeding can help you figure out how much exercise he needs.

How Much Exercise Do Mini Goldendoodles Need?

As they are much smaller than the standard Goldendoodle, their exercise requirements are proportional to their size. Thus, anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes of physical activity should be fine to keep your Mini Goldendoodle healthy and happy.

How To Meet Your Goldendoodle’s Exercise Requirements?

Overall, there are many elements to consider if you want to keep your Goldendoodle healthy and happy. Keep in mind that every dog has unique needs and conditions. Now let me share with you the three main ways to exercise him.

  • Walking.
  • Physical Activity.
  • Mental Stimulation.

Walking As Exercise For Your Goldendoodle!

For pets, daily walks are much more than potty breaks. It’s also an essential source of physical activity, mental stimulation, and socialization. Not walking enough can have serious negative impacts on your dog’s health and well-being.

How Far Should A Goldendoodle Walk Each Day?

In general, a healthy adult Goldendoodle should get at least 15 to 30 minutes of walking every day. Nonetheless, such an active mixed-dog breed can be able to walk much longer. (Up to 8 miles) You should ideally provide your Goldendoodle with 2 daily walks totaling between 30 and 60 minutes.

How To Provide Your Goldendoodle With Proper Physical Activity?

If you want to help your dog spend his pent-up energy and stay in good shape, walking isn’t enough. More vigorous exercise such as running, hiking, and fetch is also essential for his well-being. Thus, here’s my list of the best workout ideas to have fun with your Goldendoodle and tire him out when needed.

  • Running.
  • Swimming.
  • Hiking.
  • Urban Mushing. (Canicross, Bikejoring & Skijoring)
  • Fetch Games.
  • Tug-Of-War.
  • Agility Training.
  • Play Hide-and-Seek.
  • Etc.

What About Running With Your Goldendoodle?

One of the most common solutions to exercise dogs is to run with them. Nonetheless, not all breeds are well-suited for such an intense workout.

In your case, Goldendoodles can be excellent running partners with proper preparation and conditioning. That’s why I highly recommend you enjoy this physical activity together if you’re an active person.

How far your Goldendoodle can run will vary a lot according to his experience, age, health, athleticism, and many other elements. With a high energy level, good stamina, and excellent physical conditions, most Goldendoodles are suitable for relatively long distances running. (Up to 6 miles or 10 km)

Toys Are Great To Exercise Your Goldendoodle!

Goldendoodles are playful and energetic, so toys can be very effective for keeping them physically active. Exercise equipment such as the Flirt Pole will help you tire your dog out efficiently. You can also invest in the ChuckIt Ball Launcher to make fetch games more fun for everyone.

How To Tire Out Your Puppy Goldendoodle?

As you already know, young dogs need proper ways to exercise. They are too fragile to do intense workouts such as running, hiking, or any other vigorous physical activity. Instead, free playtime in the backyard is much more appropriate for your puppy Goldendoodle.

What About Mental Exercise For Goldendoodles?

Exercise isn’t all about physical activity, fitness, or dog sports. Your Goldendoodle also has his brain to satisfy, not only his body. That’s why mental stimulation is essential for him to stay healthy and happy.

For mind enrichment, you have many options to choose from. Training, brain games, and challenging toys are some of the best ways to stimulate your Goldendoodle mentally.

You can also play the shell game together, train him for dog agility, or purchase toys such as the Classic Kong and the BoB-A-Lot.

Why Is Exercise So Important For Your Goldendoodle?

Without proper physical activity and mental stimulation, your dog will get bored. In this state, he can develop destructive behaviors, weight problems, or health conditions. Thus, he might get overweight or start digging, chewing, and barking if you don’t exercise him enough.

Can You Over-Exercise Your Goldendoodle?

If you’re extremely active, it’s possible to overdo it. Too much exercise is as bad as too little for dogs. Your Goldendoodle might be extremely energetic and healthy, but it’s still important to respect his limits. Otherwise, you can hurt or injure him seriously.

Signs Your Cocker Spaniel Is Getting Too Much Exercise!

Short Term Signs:

  • Confusion/Incoordination.
  • Excessive panting.
  • Exercise-induced collapse.
  • Extreme thirst.
  • Decreased energy.
  • Trouble breathing.
  • Trouble walking or standing.
  • Drooling.
  • Wobbliness
  • Etc.

Long Term Symptoms:

  • Sore muscles.
  • Damaged paw pads.
  • Joint injury.
  • Behavioral changes.
  • Etc.

Last Thoughts About How Much Exercise Does Your Goldendoodle Need!

It’s your responsibility to take care of your dog’s well-being. That’s why you must provide him with proper physical activity and mental stimulation.

With at least 30 minutes of exercise per day, the average Goldendoodle should be alright. However, you should know his conditions and limits to create an appropriate workout routine for his needs.

Goldendoodle Hunting In The Grass

I hope my article has helped you figure out how much and what type of exercise is ideal for your Goldendoodle. Now it’s finally time to go out and maintain an active lifestyle together.

Good Workout & Have Fun!