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How Much Exercise Does Your Labradoodle Need?

If you own a Labradoodle or consider adopting one, you should know that this mixed-breed is very active and intelligent. To keep such an energetic dog happy and healthy, you must provide him with proper exercise.

Labradoodle Exercise

But you might wonder what amount and type of workouts your Labradoodle needs to be satisfied?

How Much Exercise Does A Labradoodle Need?

A healthy adult Labradoodle can require anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes of exercise per day. This should include daily walks, physical activity, and mental stimulation. Your dog’s requirements will vary according to his age, health, energy level, and many other factors. In general, Labradoodles are active companions.

Now it’s your responsibility to understand and meet your Labradoodle’s specific needs. Every dog is different, so you must take into account the conditions and limits that yours have.

After your reading, you will have all the information to figure out how much exercise your Labradoodle needs. I’ve also some ideas to share with you about the best ways to spend his energy and stimulate him mentally!

What Can Influence Your Labradoodle Exercise Requirements?

The breed isn’t the only factor you should consider to determine how often you have to walk, play, or work out with your dog. His stage of life, medical conditions, fitness level, and other elements are also essential to examine.

Thus, here are some questions for you to help you provide your Labradoodle with proper exercise!

How Old Is Your Labradoodle?

Your dog’s age has a huge impact on how much exercise he should get. The general recommendation of 45 to 90 minutes per day relates to an adult Goldendoodle. Puppies and seniors generally don’t have the same needs to stay in good shape.

How Much Exercise Does Your Puppy Labradoodle Need?

The rule of thumb for puppies is to provide them with 5 minutes of exercise for each month of age, up to twice per day. For instance, a 6 month-old Labradoodle requires between 30 to 60 minutes of moderate physical activity every day.

Puppy AgeExercise Needs
3 Months Old15-30 Minutes
4 Months Old20-40 Minutes
5 Months Old25-45 Minutes
6 Months Old30-60 Minutes
Exercise Needs Chart For A Labradoodle Puppy.

Too much or too vigorous exercise can actually be bad for your pup. He’s very fragile because his bones, joints, and muscles are still growing.

Thus, gentle walking, free playtime, and appropriate dog toys are some of the best ways to tire out your young Labradoodle safely.

How Much Exercise Does Your Senior Labradoodle Need?

After 7 years old, your dog might not have as much energy as when he was younger. At this stage of life, he’s also more likely to develop mobility issues and health problems. That’s why senior Labradoodles don’t have the same exercise requirements as adult ones.

Around 30 to 60 minutes of moderate physical activity should be sufficient to keep your old Labradoodle in good shape. Low-impact exercise such as swimming and walking are therefore excellent ideas to spend his energy safely.

What Are Your Dog’s Health & Physical Conditions?

Another essential aspect to take into account is your dog’s medical situation. Joint issues, diseases, weight problems, and many other things can influence what amount and type of exercise a Labradoodle needs.

That’s why I highly recommend you to visit your vet as soon as you can. His expert analysis of your dog’s health can help you figure out what his conditions and limits are. With that information, you will be in a better position to determine how much exercise he needs!

How Much Energy Your Labradoodle Has To Spend?

The Labradoodle is an active mixed-breed that can generally sustain physical activity for long periods. However, some of them are more hyper than others. Even dogs from the same breed can have different levels of energy.

Therefore, you should seriously consider your Labradoodle’s capacity to withstand vigorous activity. The more strength and vitality he has, the longer it will take to tire him out. In other words, his level of energy can influence how much exercise he needs to be satisfied.

What Is Your Dog’s Type Of Labrador & Poodle Breeding?

If you have seen many Labradoodles in your life, you know that they come in an infinite variety of types and sizes. Your dog’s parents and grandparents will affect his personality, traits, and physical conditions. Thus, his origin can help you figure out how much exercise he needs.

There are two main types of Labradoodle, the Australian and the American (most popular). The Australian Labradoodle is the offspring of the Labrador, Poodle, and Spaniel breeds. On the other hand, the American Labradoodle is a mixed-breed between only the Labrador Retriever and the Poodle.

Australian Labradoodles tend to be less hyperactive than American Labradoodles. Nonetheless, they both need a great deal of exercise to stay healthy and happy.

To sum up, there are many elements to consider if you want to know your dog’s requirements more precisely. With all the information up there, you should be able to determine accurately how much exercise your Labradoodle needs.

Now let me share with you what are the best ways to stimulate him mentally and physically.

Walking As Exercise For Your Labradoodle!

Daily walks are essential for dogs to provide them with moderate physical activity and mental stimulation. It’s also an excellent opportunity for socialization and to get some fresh air. Thus, you should not neglect this important source of exercise.

An adult Labradoodle needs at least 30 to 45 minutes of walking per day. This should ideally be divided into a minimum of 2 daily walks. However, such an active mixed-breed dog is suitable for very long walks or hikes.

Can You Run With Your Labradoodle?

If you’re an active person, you may wonder if running with your dog is an appropriate way to exercise. In fact, Labradoodles are great partners to run with because of their natural athleticism and boundless energy. Nonetheless, it’s not the only activity you can enjoy to keep your buddy in good shape.

3 Ways To Provide Your Labradoodle With Physical Activity!

There are so many options to spend your dog’s energy efficiently. Walking isn’t always enough to keep a Labradoodle healthy and happy.

If you have no idea how to help him maintain an active lifestyle, here are my favorite ways for you to exercise together.

Dog Sports.

Running is obviously an awesome physical activity for both humans and dogs. But there are many other ways to include your Labradoodle in your exercise routine. You can also bike, ski, or even skateboard with him.

Dog sports are great to meet your dog’s exercise needs. He can get vigorous activity through urban mushing, hiking, and agility. Those sport are also extremely efficient to spend his pent-up energy and improve his fitness.

Thus, you should always try to do things with your Labradoodle, even if it’s not typically dog-friendly. Camping, rock climbing, or paddleboarding together can be a lot of fun and provide him with physical activity.

Fun Games.

The main downside of starting a new sport with your dog is that it takes a lot of time and gear. However, physical activity doesn’t have to be complicated. You can also play simple games such as fetch, hide-and-seek, and tag.

Throwing the ball to your Labradoodle and teaching him how to retrieve it is an excellent idea to tire him out. To make your fetch games more fun and convenient for everyone, I highly recommend you to check out the ChuckIt Ball Launcher.

Chasing bubbles or playing with the hose can also be great fun for both of you. It’s a simple way to spend your Labradoodle’s pent-up energy too. As long as you have some free time and imagination, you have everything you need to exercise an active dog.

Dog Toys.

Another effective way to provide your Labradoodle with proper physical activity is to play with items designed for this purpose. You don’t need any gear or product to exercise him, but it can still be useful to meet his requirements.

For example, the Flirt Pole is the ultimate toy to keep your buddy in good shape and satisfied. It’s a stick with a rope and a lure at the end for dogs to chase it. Therefore, this exercise equipment is an excellent solution to spend their energy and engage with their hunting instincts.

Many other dog toys can help your Labradoodle to maintain an active lifestyle. If you want to play tug-of-war together, I highly recommend you to check out the Goughnuts Tug MaXX. For energetic chewer owners, you should also consider the West Paw Zogoflex Bone.

What About Mental Exercise For Labradoodles?

Stimulating your dog’s body isn’t enough to keep him healthy and happy. Mind enrichment is as essential as physical activity for his well-being, especially for intelligent mixed-breeds such as Labradoodles. Thus, you have to find some ways to entertain his brain.

Mental stimulation is another part of your dog’s exercise needs you shouldn’t neglect. It can really help him learn new skills, relieve stress, avoid boredom, and improve his health in general. If you don’t have any idea where you should start, here are my recommendations.

The most common solution to stimulate a dog’s mind is with training. Teaching your Labradoodle new commands or tricks is one of the best ways to keep his brain engaged. Learning things is can help you provide him with proper mental stimulation and improve his manners.

Apart from training, there are many other ways to entertain your dog mentally. You can also play brain games, invest in puzzle toys, make him work for his food, or satisfy his natural behaviors.

Just letting your Labradoodle sniff on walks, chew on bones, or play with a Kong Toy are great ideas to challenge his mind.

Why Is Exercise So Important For Your Labradoodle?

Providing your dog with proper physical activity and mental stimulation isn’t always easy. However, it’s still your responsibility to care for his health and happiness. Lack of exercise can have serious negative impacts on your and his life.

If your Labradoodle doesn’t spend his energy and doesn’t have any outlet for his mind, he will get bored. In this state, he can develop destructive behaviors such as chewing, digging, or barking. If you don’t keep him busy, he will find a way to entertain himself.

Without enough exercise to satisfy your dog’s needs, he’s more prone to weight problems and other health issues. Thus, keeping him active and mentally stimulated is essential for his well-being. 

Signs Your Labradoodle Needs More Exercise!

Understanding approximately how much physical activity, walking time, and mental stimulation your dog requires can be useful. Nonetheless, you might wonder how you can know more accurately when he needs more exercise.

Here are some signs to help you figure out if your Labradoodle’s workout routine is appropriate.

  • Depression Symptoms.
  • Destructive Behaviors. (Digging & Chewing)
  • Difficulty To Focus.
  • Excessive Barking.
  • Restlessness or Hyperactivity.
  • Stiffness.
  • Unhealthy Weight.
  • Etc.

Can You Over-Exercise Your Labradoodle?

On the other hand, you should be careful the amount and type of physical activity you provide to your dog is safe for him. Even if Labradoodles are very energetic, they still have limits you must respect.

Signs Your Labradoodle Is Getting Too Much Exercise!

Too much exercise can be as bad as not enough. Thus, you should know when it’s time to slow down and let your Labradoodle get some rest. Here are some signs of exhaustion in dogs you should be aware of if you’re an active person.

Short Term Signs:

  • Confusion/Incoordination.
  • Excessive panting.
  • Exercise-induced collapse.
  • Extreme thirst.
  • Decreased energy.
  • Trouble breathing.
  • Trouble walking or standing.
  • Drooling.
  • Wobbliness
  • Etc.

Long Term Symptoms:

  • Sore muscles.
  • Damaged paw pads.
  • Joint injury.
  • Behavioral changes.
  • Etc.

Last Thoughts About How Much Exercise Does Your Labradoodle Need!

Finally, you have to find the right balance between meeting your dog’s requirements and respecting his conditions.

Most Labradoodles should remain healthy and happy with 45 to 90 minutes of daily exercise. But their age, fitness level, breeding type, and many other factors can influence their needs.

Labradoodle Hunting Outdoor

I hope my article helped you figure out how much exercise you should provide to your Labradoodle. Now it’s time to go out and spend his energy with daily walks, vigorous activity, and cognitive work.

Have Fun & Take Care!