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Schutzhund Terms Every Handler Should Know Before Doing IGP!

If you’re new to Schutzhund, you might come across many terms you don’t understand yet. Since this dog sport was developed in Germany, most handlers still use German words. Besides that, there are also a lot of abbreviations and acronyms related to this type of training.

It can be complicated to get started if you have no idea what people are talking about when using Schutzhund terms. Learning them will help you understand the sport better and avoid confusion on the training field. So let’s improve your vocabulary with new German words and abbreviations.

Schutzhund Terms

7 Schutzhund Terms You Must Understand To Get Started!

Although there are well over 50 terms related to Schutzhund training, you might not need to know all of them for the moment. That’s why I don’t want to give you a list with all the words and abbreviations yet. Let’s just start with the most important ones!


I know you probably already understand this one, but I want to ensure everyone has a good starting point. Schutzhund is the German word for “protection dog”. Originally developed for German Shepherds as a breed suitability test for work, it’s now a dog sport with three phases: Obedience, Tracking & Protection.


The USCA is the principal Schutzhund organization in the United States. It stands for United Schutzhund Clubs of America. You will probably have to become a member if you plan to join a club, participate in their events, and win titles with your dog.


When you participate in the sport of Schutzhund competitively, the term you should use is IGP. It stands for International Gebrauchshund Prufung, and it’s the German equivalent of International Working Test. IGP was previously known as IPO. (International Prüfungsordnung or International Exam Rules)

German Shepherd Schutzhund Trial


The BH is a Schutzhund degree that tests the dog’s temperament, obedience, and behavior in public traffic. It’s an abbreviation for Begleithundprüfung, which means “Traffic-sure companion dog test”. A BH includes basic obedience exercises on the training field and simulations of everyday situations in public places.

Learn More About The BH Test!

IPO/IGP 1, 2, 3. (Schutzhund Titles)

As I already told you, IPO was the previous term for competitive Schutzhund. (IGP) However, many people still use it when it comes to awards. There are three levels of the IPO/IGP test, and every dog that passes them will get a title.

  • IGP-V: Pre-IGP 1 Test.
  • IPO/IGP 1: International Novice Schutzhund Trial Qualification.
  • IPO/IGP 2: International Intermediate Schutzhund.
  • IPO/IGP 3: International Masters Level Schutzhund.

SchH 1, SchH 2, SchH 3, SchH A.

Some people will use the abbreviation SchH instead of IPO or IGP for titles. Just keep in mind that they all mean and are the same thing. The SchH A is a limited version of the SchH 1. It’s a similar test and title, but without the tracking phase.

Basic German Dog Commands.

As for any other type of training, you will need to communicate with your dog. That’s where commands come into play. However, most Schutzhund handlers use German words for training. So you should at least know some basic commands in this language.

Schutzhund Command (German)PronunciationEnglish Command
Pass AufPahs owfPay attention! / Watch!

What About Other Schutzhund Training Commands?

There are many other German commands you can use in this dog sport. But you will probably only need them for more advanced obedience, tracking, and protection training. So you might not have to learn them right from the start.

I also have another article with everything you should know about Schutzhund commands. So if you want more information on this topic, feel free to check it out.

Now let’s focus on terms that aren’t necessarily dog training commands.

Other Schutzhund Terms You Might Come Across!

Now that you understand the most common words and abbreviations handlers use for IGP, it’s time to look at more obscure ones. So if you ever see or hear a Schutzhund term that you don’t know, you can come here and check this resource below!

Glossary Of Schutzhund Terms

Schutzhund Related TermGerman WordEnglish Meaning
aAusgeprãgtPronounced (Courage Test Rating)
AAusreichendSufficient (Rating)
ABSTAdvanced Breed Suitability Test
ADAus DaueprufingEndurance Test
AKCAmerican Kennel Club (Organization)
AWDFAmerican Working Dog Federation (Organization)
AZGArbeitsgemeinschaft der Zuchtvereine und GebrauchshundeverbändeAssociation of breed registry and working-dog sport clubs
A-StampHip Score:
A-Normal = Certified Normal Hips
A-Fast Normal = Certified Near Normal Hips
A-Noch Zugelassen = Certified Hips, Still Permissible For Breeding
BHBegleithundprüfungTraffic-Sure Companion Dog Test
BBefriedigendSatisfactory (Rating)
BSPBundessiegerprüfungNational Working Trial
BSTBreed Suitability Test
BSZSBundessiegerzuchtschauNational Breed Show
CD / CDXCompanion Dog / Companion Dog Excellent (AKC Obedience Titles)
CGCCanine Good Citizen (Certificate)
CHDCanine Hip Dysplasia
CKCCanadian Kennel Club
DHVDeutscher Hundesport VereinThe German “Dog Sport Club” (Union Of The Dog Sport Clubs of Germany)
DVGDeutscher Verband der GebrauchshundsportvereineLV DVG America (Organization Of Working Dog Sport Clubs)
EZEinfache ZuchtSimple Breeding (Dog With Only One Parent That Has A Working Degree)
FCIFédération Cynologique Internationale (Organization)
FH, FH 1, FH 2.FährtenhundTracking Dog Title
GGutGood (Rating)
GSDGerman Shepherd Dog (Abbreviation)
GSDCAGerman Shepherd Dog Club of America (Organization)
GSDCCGerman Shepherd Dog Club of Canada (Organization)
GSSCCGerman Shepherd Schutzhund Club of Canada (Organization)
GZGebrauchshundezuchtUtility Dog Breeding (Dog With Both Parents Having Working Titles)
HDHip Dysplasia
“a” 1 (HD Normal)
“a” 2 (HD Fast Normal – Near Normal Hips)
“a” 3 (HD Noch Zugelassen – Hips Are Still Acceptable For Breeding)
“a” – Ausland (HD Certification Passed In Another Country Than Germany)
HOTHandler Owner Trained
IGPInternational Gebrauchshund PrufungInternational Working Test
IPO also IPO 1, 2, 3International Prüfungsordnung International Exam Rules (Class I, II, III)
KKL, KKL1, KKL2KörklasseBreed Survey By The SV Organization
Körklasse 1 (Recommended For Breeding)
Körklasse 2 (Suitable For Breeding)
KLZKör- und LeistungszuchtQualification & Performance Breeding (Dog With Both Parents Have Breed Surveys And All Four Grandparents Have Working Titles)
KZKörzuchtQualification Breeding (Dog With Both Parents Have Breed Surveys)
LBSTLifetime Breed Suitability Test
LBZLebenszeitBreed Surveyed For Life
LZLeistungszuchtPerformance Breeding (Dog With Both Parents And All Four Grandparents Having Working Titles)
MMangelhaftFaulty/Insufficient (Rating)
NGNicht GenügendInsufficient (Courage Test Rating)
NZBNachzucht BewertungProgeny Evaluation
OFAOrthopedic Foundation For Animals:
Ofa Excellent – No Dysplasia, Superior Hip Socket Conformation
Ofa Good – No Dysplasia, A Well-Formed, Congruent Hip Joint
Ofa Fair – No Dysplasia, Minor Irregularities In The Hip Joint Present
Ofa Borderline – No Consensus Between Radiologists To Place Hip Into Either A Normal Or Dysplastic Category
Ofa Mild (Grade I) – Mild Hip Dysplasia Present
Ofa Moderate (Grade II) – Moderate Hip Dysplasia Present
Ofa Severe (Grade III) – Severe Hip Dysplasia Present
OVCOntario Veterinary College In Canada (Hips Grade “Pass” or “Failed”)
PennHIPProcedure Measuring Hip Joint Laxity
ROM, ROM/C, ROMCRegister Of Merit (Title)
SARSearch And Rescue
SchH, SchH 1, SchH 2, SchH 3Schutzhund (Abbreviation) – 3 Levels Of Titles
SchHASchH 1 Title Without The Tracking Portion
SGSehr GutVery Good (Rating)
SG1, SG2, etc.Ranking At The BSP After V1, V2, V3, etc.
SGRSieger (Male) Or Siegerin (Female)The Best Male Or Female At The National Conformation Specialty Show (Title)
SVVerein Für Deutsche SchäferhundeGerman Shepherd Dog Club – The Original GSD Breed Club & Registry Based In Germany. (Organization)
SZPrecedes The SV Registration Number (e.g. SZ 1234567)
TCTemperament Certificate
TD, TDXTracking Dog Titles (AKC & CKC)
TSBTrieb Veranlagung, Selbstsicherheit und BelastbarkeitCourage Test – Drive, Self-Confidence, and Ability To Handle Stress.
Ratings: Pronounced, Sufficient, or Insufficient.
TTTemperament Tested
UUngenügendInsufficient (Rating)
UD, UDXUtility Dog, Utility Dog Excellent – Advanced Obedience Titles (AKC & CKC)
UKCUnited Kennel Club
USCA (or USA)United Schutzhund Clubs Of America
VVorzüglichExcellent (Rating)
v -v.Von or Vom“Of” Or “From” (After A Dog’s Name To Designate Kennel)
V1, V2, V3, etc.Ranking At The Bsp (Top Placed Dog Is V1, Second Is V2, Etc.)
VAVorzüglich-Auslese Excellent Select Title Awarded At The Annual Sieger Show
VDHVerband Für Das Deutsche HundewesenDog Society Of Germany – VDH (National Dog Club)
VHVorhandenPresent or Sufficient (Courage Test Rating)
VPGVielseitigkeitsprüfung für GebrauchshundeVersatility Examination For Working Dogs
WDAWorking Dog Association
WTWurftagDate Of Birth
WUSVWeltunion Der Verein für Deutsche SchäferhundWorld Union Of GSD Clubs.
ZTGLZuchttauglichSuitable For Breeding (Passed The ZTP)
ZTPZTPrZuchttauglichkeitsprüfungBreed Suitability Test (Hip Rating, Conformation & Basic Working Ability)
ZWZuchtwertBreed Value Assessment

Other German Words You Might Need To Know For Schutzhund!

German TermEnglish Equivalent
Deutsche SchäferhundeGerman Shepherd Dog
Führer Handler
VaterSire (Father)
MutterDam (Mother)

Schutzhund Scoring Terms

Schutzhund ScoreGerman WordEnglish Meaning
V (286-300)VorzüglichExcellent
SG (270-285)Sehr GutVery Good
G (240-269)GutGood
B (220-239)BefriedigendSatisfactory/Sufficient
M (0-219)MangelhaftFaulty/Insufficient 

Here are some resources I used to build the tables above:

General Abbreviations Used In The USCA Rulebook

USCAUnited Schutzhund Clubs of America 
WUSVWorld Union of German Shepherds
FCIFederation Cynologique International
IGPInternational Utility Dog Trial Regulations (International Gebrauchshund Prufung- International Working Test)
NGPONational Utility Dog Trial Regulations
USCAUnited Schutzhund Clubs of America (LAO National Organization)
PLTrial Secretary
AKZTraining Degree
LRTrial Judge 
GSTBasic Position
POTrial Regulations
RAJudge Instruction
HZVerbal Command
HFDog Handler 
FLTrack Layer
JCJudges Committee 
EBUSCA Executive Board

Retrieved from the USCA Trial Rulebook

Last Thoughts About Schutzhund & IGP Terms!

As you can see, there are several German words and abbreviations you should understand before competing in IGP. You don’t have to know every single term mentioned above. However, the more you can learn, the better.

Instead of using the long form of everything you want to say, it’s much easier and more convenient to use the short version. That’s why most handlers use Schutzhund terms, and they don’t really care about beginners that don’t understand them.

Beglian Malinois Schutzhund-IPO

So let’s improve your German and learn new abbreviations related to this dog sport. It will help you keep up the conversation with other trainers and integrate their community. After some practice and time, I’m sure you will get used to hearing and using Schutzhund terms.

Have Fun Learning The IGP Jargon!