There is nothing more fun and entertaining for dogs than an intense tug-of-war battle with their owner. It’s an excellent way to provide them with a lot of mental stimulation and physical activity. This interactive game can also be great for training your companion, strengthening your bond, and spending quality time together.

If you want to play tug-of-war together without negative repercussions, there are a few things you should know. First off, it’s essential to have an appropriate toy for this activity. Then, understanding the basic rules and teaching your dog some obedience commands is also necessary before getting started. But who should be the ultimate winner when you play this game?
Letting your dog win at tug-of-war is great to satisfy his prey drive and help him build up confidence. However, you must be able to stop the game if he does not play by the rules. That’s why alternating who’s winning is the best way to let your dog have fun and still have control over the tug toy if it’s necessary.
My Lab and I have a lot of fun tugging and wrestling against each other. However, I was not sure who should be the winner at the end of the game. The information available out there did not help me very much because it wasn’t coherent at all. Thus, let me share with you everything I’ve learned about if you should let your dog win or not at tug-of-war and why!
Who Should Win At Tug-Of-War? You or Your Dog?
Some people claim you should always let the dog win at tug-of-war when others believe the opposite is true. With all the different opinions on this subject, it’s very difficult to say who’s right and who’s wrong. The only thing I’m sure about is that your buddy’s temperament, the reason why you’re playing this game, and many other factors will influence who should win.
The Benefits Of Letting Your Dog Win At This Interactive Game!
Just think about what were your feelings during your most recent victory. If you’re competitive as I am, you’ve probably experienced satisfaction, pride, and joy. It’s the same thing for our pets. Winning at any game is great to improve their confidence and make it as enjoyable as possible for them.
You should therefore let your dog win tug-of-war at least from time to time. He will probably not have fun doing something if he always loses. Furthermore, winning this game will engage his predatory drive to prevent stress and boredom.
Another good reason to give him the tug toy as a reward is to help him develop more assurance. Thus, letting your dog be the winner when you play tug-of-war is fun, satisfying, and beneficial for him.
If you want more information about why winning tug battles can be beneficial for your buddy, you can read this article on the Natural Dog Blog!
Why Your Dog Shouldn’t Always Win Tug-Of-War Battles?
Overall, there are many benefits to win at interactive tugging for your dog. But it might not be the best idea to always let him have what he wants. The main reason why people tell you to never let the dog win at tug-of-war is to make him see you as an alpha.
For dominant breeds, it’s an excellent way to keep control over them and prevent aggressive behaviors. However, they will lose interest in the game if it’s impossible for them to win. That’s why my ultimate recommendation is to constantly change who’s winning.
So, Should You Let Your Dog Win or Not?
With the two extreme ways of thinking, I’ve come with another point of view that’s more reasonable. The winner shouldn’t always be the same in my opinion. Whether you make tug-of-war too difficult or too easy for your dog, he won’t enjoy it. Thus, finding the right balance between fun and control is essential.

For most people, I would recommend letting your dog win more often at interactive tugging. It’s simply better to satisfy his prey drive, have fun, and keep things interesting. However, you must make sure you are the one who ends up with the tug toy if he doesn’t play properly.
Consider Your Dog’s Temperament!
Who should win the game will also vary according to the personality of your tug-of-war partner. If your dog is very timid or has a high prey drive, letting him win most of the time is an excellent idea.
On the other hand, you might want him to drop the toy (lose) to improve his self-control or to make him understand you are in charge.
Why Are You Playing Tug-Of-War?
If your only goal is to have fun and exercise your dog, please don’t deprive him of the winning satisfaction.
For training, you may want him to improve his capacity to control his impulses. In this case, encouraging him to drop the toy and lose the game is an excellent way to teach him self-discipline.
You could also let your four-legged buddy win if you want to use the tug rope as a reward for teaching him new tricks or commands.
Thus, the main reason why you practice interactive tugging is important to determine who should win!
Will Letting Your Dog Win At Tug-Of-War Make Him Aggressive?
Many people wrongly think this intense activity can lead to aggressivity in dogs. Some of them also claim that this behavior issue can even become worse if they always win. Nonetheless, it’s totally safe to play tug-of-war with your buddy if you do it properly.
Of course, it’s not the best game for dogs that are already dominant and not extremely friendly with humans. They might indeed become more aggressive if their owners don’t teach them how to play by the rules. That’s why tug-of-war isn’t recommended for this type of personality.
On the other hand, several dog owners let their companions win at this game without any negative repercussions. You always want him to have as much fun as possible, so why restricting them from getting this victory satisfaction? If you are looking for real-life examples backing up my point, I highly recommend you to check out this thread on Reddit.
The problem is not about winning or losing, it’s much more about control and preparation. My only concern with playing tug-of-war with your dog is if you do it the wrong way.
Does Who Win The Tug-Of-War Battles Really Matters?
I’ve shared with you multiple opinions about whether you should let your dog win or not at tug-of-war. Unfortunately, there is no ultimate answer because it depends on his temperament, your method of training, and why you play this game.

My main takeaway is that who’s winning or losing isn’t very important. At the end of the day, what really matters is you and your dog’s happiness. That’s why you should do whatever it takes to make your tug-of-war battles safe and fun for everyone.
It might mean you have to let him win for his satisfaction or to keep control of the game to prevent accidents. As long as you play with the tug toy properly and it’s pleasant for you and your dog, tug-of-war is an awesome activity to enjoy together.
How To Do Interactive Tugging With Your Dog The Right Way?
There are some things you should know if you want to tug and wrestle against each other safely. First of all, you must play by the rules just as for any other game. Then, training your dog is also important to make sure you have control while playing tug-of-war. With that said, let me share with you everything you can do to prepare both of you for this fun activity!
Make Sure Your Dog Master Basic Obedience.
To play any interactive game easily and safely, your companion should be relatively obedient. He doesn’t have to know complicated tricks, advanced commands, or anything else like that.
Nonetheless, you should be able to communicate with him effectively while playing tug-of-war together. It’s therefore extremely useful if he can respond to fundamental commands or other of your indications reliably!
Choose An Appropriate Tug Toy.
To make your interactive tugging safe and fun, choosing the right toy is very important. For this purpose, you should be looking for something that’s easy and comfortable to grip, smooth for your dog to bite, and long enough to keep a safe distance between your hand and his mouth. My top 3 recommendations for tug-of-war are the Goughnuts MaXX, the West Paw Zogoflex Bumi, and the Mammoth Flossy Rope Tug.
Teach The Release Command To Your Dog.
Starting this game without understanding how to stop it isn’t safe. That’s why practicing your release voice cue is essential to play tug-of-war with your buddy. You could use the “Drop It” command to make him let go of the toy when it’s necessary. Here’s an interesting video to help you master this useful dog training skill!
Understand & Respect The Tug-Of-War Safety Rules.
There are three main guidelines you should follow to play properly at this game with your dog.
- Always Initiate The Game.
You should be the only one that’s initiating the tug-of-war battles. To get started, you can even invite your dog to sit and use another command such as “Take It” or “Tug On” to begin the game. It’s also highly recommended to let him access the toy only when it’s time to play.
- Never Let Your Dog Touch You While Playing.
As soon as your dog’s mouth touches your skin or your clothes, the game should instantly stop. Even if it’s not intentional, never ignore this type of misbehavior. He must understand the toy is the only thing he’s allowed to bite and play with.
- Your Dog Must Release The Toy When You Say So.
Whatever reason you want to play tug-of-war, the “Drop It” command is crucial. You must be able to stop the game at any moment if needed. Otherwise, you don’t have any control over your dog, so it won’t be safe nor fun for you.
Last Thoughts About Letting Your Dog Win At Tug-Of-War!
On the contrary to what most people think, interactive tugging can be extremely good for dogs. This game is ideal to tire them out, improve their self-control, and have fun if you play it by the book. My main goal with this article was to determine if we should let them win at tug-of-war or not. Unfortunately, there’s no ultimate answer to this question.
However, letting your dog enjoy the satisfaction of winning has many benefits. It’s good for his confidence, satisfies his prey drive, and makes the game more enjoyable for him. On the flip side, always winning at tug-of-war might increase his dominance and aggressiveness according to the pack leader school of thought.

Finally, I highly recommend you to alternate who wins to avoid any issue with this game. Just make sure you and your dog are safe and happy while playing tug-of-war and everything should be alright.
I hope my article has helped you understand better how to enjoy this activity properly. It would be awesome to see you both having fun together regardless of who’s winning!
Take Care & Tug On!