As an outdoor lover, I truly enjoy spending time with my dog outside. Taking fresh air, walking into the wilds, and playing with my companion always make me smile. For several years now, I have been camping with my family fairly regularly. We consistently have a lot of fun doing campfires, playing games, sleeping in our tent, swimming in lakes, and enjoying the outdoors. However, I’ve never seriously thought to bring my dog with us!

After some quick research, I’ve found a lot of useful information about camping with dogs. Nonetheless, I still got several questions about how I can bring my dog on my camping trips. Like many other outdoor activities, it takes time and preparation to enjoy it safely. I recently thought about more specific questions such as: Where do dogs sleep when camping? Can dogs sleep in tents? Let me share with you what answers I’ve found!
Yes, dogs can sleep in tents. Moreover, there are some doggie tents or hammocks especially made for them. So, you could teach your buddy how to sleep in his small tent. However, you will need some canine camping gear to try this sport safely. Whether your dog sleeps in your or his tent, make sure it offers shelter, proximity, and security!
Camping with dogs isn’t as simple as I thought. Nonetheless, I’m sure it will be worth it. With some preparation and training, my Labrador (and your dog) will be ready to sleep in my or her (or his) tent. After your reading, you will know everything about doggie tents, sleeping gear, etc. Let’s see what the best place to sleep is for dogs when camping!
Where Should Your Dog Sleep When Camping?
There are many places where your buddy can sleep on camping trips. Some dogs will prefer to have their tent when others won’t be able to sleep without their owners. Normally, his breed, personality, lifestyle, and habits will influence where he should sleep. Here is more information about the best sleeping options for dogs when camping!

The best option for indoor dogs is to simply bring their bed from home in your tent. Like humans, these furry pets love their habits and to have a routine. With their bed, dogs will feel safer and sleep better. Nevertheless, you could have not enough space in your backpack to bring your buddy’s bed. That’s why the camping type will influence a lot the place where your dog can sleep!
Here Are The Sleeping Options For Dogs When Camping!
Your companion has many options to find the perfect place to sleep on outdoor trips. There’s no ultimate best place to sleep because every furry camper has different needs. Therefore, I will share with you all the options and guide you to make the best pick. Let’s see where your dog can sleep when camping!
Sleeping Bags:
This is probably the best option for any type of camping. Doggie sleeping bags are especially interesting for wild camping, backpacking or hiking (Can you take your dog hiking or backpacking?). They can be lightweight, warm, waterproof, etc. This is awesome to allow your dog to sleep in your tent safely and comfortably!
Inflatable Beds:
This option can also be very interesting for most styles of camping. First, dog inflatable beds shouldn’t weigh more than 3 or 4 pounds (1.3 or 1.8 kg). Second, they can be compressed down to take less space to fit in your backpack. Therefore, it could be very useful to give more comfort to your companion on backpacking or camping trips!
Crates or Kennels:
These kinds of beds can be very interesting to keep your dog safe. Most camping crates or kennels are dismountable but will still take a lot of place in your backpack. That’s why I would only recommend these for car or RV camping. Otherwise, you could have difficulties carrying crates or kennels on your wild camping or hiking escape!
Doggie Hammocks:
Many people won’t think about hammocks, but it can be extremely useful to camp with your dog. Unfortunately, there are not many options, and most of the hammocks for dogs aren’t very interesting for wild camping. For example, some hammocks look more like elevated beds and won’t be easy to carry. Nonetheless, you could try to introduce your buddy to human hammocks that are very compact and interesting for backpacking or hiking!

Elevated Beds:
These beds should be the only interesting to combine with a sleeping bag for example. This could be useful to keep your dog dry and cool when it’s hot outside. For cold temperatures, make sure to have something that keeps your buddy warm and safe!
Unfortunately, this sleeping option isn’t suitable for backpacking or wild camping. Elevated beds simply take too much place to carry these while hiking or in your backpack. It could be more interesting for camping with a car, RV or at the beach especially for dogs with structural or joint issues such as arthritis or hip/elbow dysplasia! (You should also try swimming with these fragile buddies!)
Memory Foam Beds:
This is the most comfortable option that you can find for dog beds. This is almost only suitable for RV camping because it’s heavy, takes up a lot of space, and it’s not always warm. Therefore, it’s not ideal for backpacking, hiking or wild camping. However, memory foam beds could be awesome to allow your dog to sleep well on RVing trips!
Pick The Right Sleeping Gear For Your Needs!
Overall, the best bed type for camping with your dog will depend on many elements. With all these options, you probably already have a better idea of what your dog can sleep. As you can see, your camping style will influence your decision. Here are which places dogs can sleep when camping!
Where Can Your Dog Sleep? (Outside, In Your or His Tent…)
Whatever bed your companion spends the night on, that doesn’t give you much information about where he should sleep. It’s sure that without any preparation, your buddy won’t be OK to sleep without you. However, most well-trained furballs should be suitable to have their tent. The most important to keep in mind is to find a place to sleep for your dog that offers shelter, security, and proximity!

To sleep outdoors, your buddy will need some training. After some preparation, your dog should be suitable to spend a night on his own. Nonetheless, that’s not always a safe solution. When you enjoy camping in the desert, woods or any relatively dangerous place, you shouldn’t let your dog alone in the wilds. There are some risks to let your buddy sleeping outside. Here are some of these dangers!
- Insect Bites.
- Attack or Get Attacked By Other Campers or Dogs.
- Chasing Wildlife.
- Getting Lost.
- Confronting Wild Animals
- Etc.
In Your Tent or Shelters:
This is probably the safest place to sleep for your companion. Moreover, he could benefit from the body heat that you produce while sleeping. And, who doesn’t like to cuddle their companion at night? Just make sure that your buddy is clean and dry before cuddling him in your tent. Otherwise, he could use his sleeping bag or another bed that you chose for him to sleep in your tent. By the way, floorless shelters could be ideal to avoid your dog from destroying your tent!
In His Doggie Tent:
This is another very interesting option especially because that’s made for them. There are many canine tent options for any type of camping. Nonetheless, I wouldn’t recommend young puppy owners to let their dog sleep in their tent. Furthermore, you should always prepare your furry companion before camping to make him comfortable to sleep in his tent for dogs!
In Your Car:
Most dogs will be perfectly OK to sleep overnight in the car. Furthermore, it’s a safe, dry and awesome place for your buddy to avoid any unnecessary risk. Nevertheless, some furry pets could suffer from anxiety by being alone and stuck in your car overnight. Therefore, you need to assure you that your companion can sleep well in your automobile. Otherwise, your car can be an awesome place to sleep for dogs if they are alright with the idea!

In Your RV:
For those who enjoy RVing, you probably know that your dog will have enough space in a camper. Whether it’s under the dining table or anywhere else, your pooch will be able to sleep well. RV camping will give you a lot of flexibility to provide your companion with comfort and security. However, you could always let him sleep outside if you want or he prefers that. Just be careful to not let aggressive or barking dogs without supervision!
Your Dog’s Sleeping Options Depending On Your Camping Type!
Whether you do camping with your dog in the desert or your RV, you will need a bed for your furry friend. Nonetheless, you will have more restrictions in the wild than if you have access to your car. That’s why it’s really important to consider everything to pick the best bed and tent for your dog!
Wild Camping, Backpacking or Hiking:
For this type of outdoor activity, it will take a lot of preparation to take your dog with you. With your restricted transportation, you should choose a compact bed that is easy to carry. Try to find something lightweight, compact, and safe for your buddy!

Best Bed Picks: Sleeping Bags, Inflatable Beds or Doggie Hammocks.
Where Your Dog Can Sleep? Outside, In Your Tent/Shelter or His Doggie Tent.
Car Camping:
If you have access to your car, it’s more simple to bring more camping gear for your furry companion. Therefore, it gives you more flexibility to choose more heavy beds. Nonetheless, you’re still more restricted than on RVing trips. With fewer weight restrictions, you can offer more comfort and safety to your dog!
Best Bed Picks: Elevated Beds, Kennels and Crates, Inflatable Beds or Sleeping Bags.
Where Your Dog Can Sleep? Outside, In Your Tent/Shelter, His Doggie Tent or The Car.
RV Camping or RVing:
This can be very fun to enjoy the outdoors without putting you in uncomfortable situations with campers. RV cars give you the most flexibility for camping with dogs. It’s really simple and won’t require a lot of preparation. You can simply move everything you need in your RV and go on a trip. However, you could always find quality beds to provide your dog with more comfort!
Best Bed Picks: Memory Foam Beds, Elevated Beds, Kennels and Crates or Inflatable Beds.
Where Your Dog Can Sleep? Outside, In His Doggie Tent or The RV.
Beach Camping:
Spending time and sleeping at the beach can be very fun. Nonetheless, your gear can easily become wet and dirty. Therefore, you will need a waterproof and sand-shredding bed. Otherwise, your dog won’t be able to sleep well at night during your camping trip on the side of the ocean!
Best Bed Picks: Elevated Beds, Kennels and Crates or Inflatable Beds.
Where Your Dog Can Sleep? Outside, In Your Tent/Shelter, His Doggie Tent or The Car.
Should Your Dog Sleep In Your Tent?
Yes, that could be an excellent idea to keep him safe and under control. With a sleeping bag, inflatable mat or any other bed, your dog will be able to sleep well in your tent. However, I can understand your worries about letting him go in your tent because I have the same!
You don’t want his nails to rip your floor or scratching through walls. That’s normal to think about that, especially because tents are relatively expensive. Moreover, you don’t want your dog to wake you up at 5 AM because he can’t sleep. Or even bursting out after a wild animal in the middle of the night. Therefore, floorless shelters could be wonderful to enjoy camping with dogs!

Otherwise, you could also invest in a doggie tent or hammock to avoid these problems. Letting your companion outside your tent at night can be interesting for people that consider camping with their furballs regularly. Nonetheless, it can be difficult for dogs that are used to sleeping next to their owners to sleep alone in their tents!
Can Dogs Sleep In Tents?
Whether it’s in their or yours, most dogs will be OK to sleep in tents. The safest option would be to let your buddy sleep directly next to you. He can sleep in a sleeping bag or his normal bed; it doesn’t have a lot of importance. What’s essential it’s that they are safe, under your control, and protected from the weather (cold, hot, rain, etc.)!
If you don’t want to risk your tent being broken by your dog that’s OK. However, you will need to find another secure and comfortable place where he can rest. For example, he could sleep under the tarp (of your tent) or in his canine tent. Letting your dog attached to a tree far from you isn’t smart and safe at all. He should always be near you in a shelter at night, so regular or dog tents can be awesome for your buddy!

What About Sleeping In Tents For Dogs?
Unfortunately, not every companion can sleep alone at night. Very young dogs should always sleep in your tent for their safety. Puppies are fragile, unexperimented, and vulnerable, so they won’t be safe alone in the wilds. For older and healthy dogs, canine tents can effectively provide them with a secure and comfortable place to sleep!
Well-trained companions will love to have their tent to enjoy camping in. Investing in this type of equipment can be awesome for experimented owners. Doggie tents will allow your buddy to have enough space to sleep, eat, and even play with his toys. That’s also an amazing way to avoid scratches on your tent and plenty of dirt or dog hair to go in your shelter that could restrict you to sleep well!
Train Your Dog To Sleep In Tents Before Camping!

Nonetheless, not all dogs can sleep without their owner in a tent. Even if they can, it will take some time and nights before they enjoy their new temporary bedroom. That’s why it’s essential to train your furball to sleep in his tent before going on outdoor trips with him. Untrained companions shouldn’t have their tent for their safety and well-being. Moreover, I wouldn’t recommend going on camping trips with dogs that aren’t well-trained!
Therefore, you should encourage your furry friend to sleep in his tent and/or camping bed a few days before going on an outdoor trip. This simple mental and physical preparation will help him to sleep well when camping. Whether it’s for camping, hiking, canicross or any other canine activities, it’s very efficient to introduce your dog to the gear before starting the sport!
Awesome Tips For Camping With Dogs!
Knowing where your pooch can sleep when camping isn’t the only thing to be aware of to enjoy this sport safely. Most dogs will love to go on camping trips as much as we do. However, they will be confronted with many unusual things and situations such as wild animals, campfires, new scents, etc. Therefore, you need to be ready for any reaction or emergency before heading in the wilds with your furry companion. Here are some pieces of advice to take your dog on your next camping escape!

- Be Aware of The Campgrounds Regulations!
- Keep You Both Hydrated!
- Protect Your Dog’s Paws! (Boots or Wax)
- Keep Him On-Leash!
- Be Ready For The Weather! (Rain, Hot, Cold…)
- Don’t Forget Dog Toys!
- Have The Right Gear!
- Etc.
- Some Other Tips For Camping With Dogs On Rover Site. [Open In a New Tab]
Last Thoughts About Where Should Dog Sleep When Camping! (And Canine Tents)
Finally, dogs can sleep everywhere that provides them security, proximity, and shelter. Letting your buddy spend the night in your tent can be very fun for both of you. Nonetheless, there’s always an option to invest in a canine tent especially for him. You should also make sure that your dog is comfortable with one of the bed types I share with you in this article!

Therefore, dogs can perfectly sleep in tents when camping. Make sure your buddy is ready to enjoy the outdoors before taking him with you. In general, every healthy dog should make an awesome camping partner. I’m sure this blog post helped you to understand that your buddy can sleep in your or his tent safely. I hope you will have a lot of fun, and maybe we could meet at a dog-friendly campground!