As you probably know, Bulldogs aren’t the most active companions. Nonetheless, they still need some exercise and mental stimulation every day. Have you ever seen videos of English Bulldogs skateboarding? It might seem strange, but these dogs are supposedly very good at this sport!

Like you, I’m not sure that every Bulldog can skateboard. As with every other sport, it’s obvious that these pets need some qualities or capacities to enjoy this activity. Therefore, I did some research on that subject. Let me share with you what I’ve found about the question: Can English Bulldogs Skateboard?
Yes, English Bulldogs are among the rare dogs that can ride a skateboard with some training. Their outgoing personality makes them well-suited for this sport. They also have a low center of gravity that admits them to have an excellent balance. That’s why Bulldogs are well known to be good at board sports like skateboarding or surfing!
Unfortunately, not all English Bulldogs are suitable for skateboarding. Some of them could have health or physical restrictions that will restrict them from riding a skateboard. Therefore, I push my research a little bit further to help you understand if your Bulldog can enjoy this sport safely. Let’s see what I’ve found on these «Tony Hawks» dogs!
Exercise Needs Of English Bulldogs!
Before starting any kind of dog sport, you should be aware of your companion’s exercise requirements. Your Bulldog companion probably doesn’t need a lot of physical activity. Nevertheless, that’s not a reason to let him get bored all day long. Like every dog, your buddy will need mental and physical stimulation. Let’s see what his exercise needs are!
Most English Bulldogs require around 30 minutes of daily exercise. This should include one or two walks, with free playtime and other fun activities. Their small size, large body, and many other characteristics can explain their inactivity. Therefore, low-energy sports like walking, skateboarding or fun games are ideal for Bulldogs!

Nonetheless, you should be very careful to not over-exercise your dog. Anything more than 40 minutes of physical activity could be bad for English Bulldogs. As brachycephalic dogs, they can’t breathe and regulate their temperature very well. That’s why intense sports like running, biking, or hiking could be too much exercise for them!
Can English Bulldogs Skateboard?
As you can see on Youtube videos, some Bulldogs can be very good to ride a skateboard. This sport is the perfect fit for them. Skateboarding for dogs isn’t too much physical effort for them. Furthermore, their small size, relatively heavy body, and low center of gravity are awesome characteristics to stay balanced on a skateboard!
Some Bulldogs are extremely good at riding a skateboard. They have an excellent balance, and they can turn, take speed, etc. That’s impressive to see some four-legged athletes so cozy on skateboards. Now you probably want to know if your Bulldog could be suitable to enjoy this sport. It could be fun to teach him how to skateboard, and it’s a great source of exercise for this breed!
Even if they are normally well-suited for this sport, it could be difficult to teach your dog how to ride a skateboard. English Bulldogs are normally lazy and don’t like physical activity. Besides, they are prone to many health issues such as respiratory problems, overheating, hip dysplasia, etc. These problems could restrict your dog to enjoy skateboarding safely!
Is Your Bulldog Suitable To Skateboard?
With serious health or physical conditions, skateboarding could be bad for Bulldogs. Even if your buddy is in perfect shape, it’s not 100% sure that he will be able to ride a skateboard. It’s not because some English Bulldogs are good to skateboard, that they all are. Like humans, some dogs are more suitable and simply better at some sports!
Here’s Otto the skateboarding Bulldog, he’s probably better than me at this activity!
Unfortunately, not every dog can be good at this sport. Many elements such as your buddy’s health, age, structure, and shape will determine if it’s safe for him to skateboard. Normally, every healthy Bulldog should have any problem trying this activity. However, it will always take some time, work, and training to teach your dog how to ride a skateboard. Here are some things that could restrict him to enjoy this activity safely!
Your Bulldog’s health influences a lot which sports he can do. At the start, this breed has a serious respiratory issue that won’t help him to enjoy physical activity. Happily, skateboarding isn’t too difficult for English Bulldogs. Nevertheless, you should always be careful to not over-exercise them. That’s why you should always visit your vet before starting a new canine activity! (Even skateboarding!)
English Bulldogs aren’t very active and athletic companions. That’s not a problem, but your buddy should be in relatively good shape to ride a skateboard. Obese dogs are more likely to get over-exercise or to overheat. Therefore, putting them on diets at the same time to provide them with proper exercise could be interesting to get overweight dogs in better shape. After that, it will be easier to teach them how to enjoy skateboarding!
Skateboarding isn’t an intense sport, but there’s an impact on your dog’s joints. Consequently, Bulldogs with hip/elbow dysplasia, joint, or ligament problems shouldn’t skateboard. These fragile companions will avoid the risk of injuries with «Joint-Friendly» activities. Walking, swimming, or underwater treadmills, are excellent exercise sources for dogs with structural issues!
Puppies or senior English Bulldogs could be too fragile to ride a skateboard. You should always wait until your furball is fully grown before to try dog sports. In general, he will be ready to try new canine activities at 18 months of age! For senior Bulldogs, they are more likely to hurt or injure themselves while skateboarding. After 7 or 8 years old, every dog owner should be careful with the intensity of the sports that their companion enjoy!
This could be very problematic to start new activities with your English Bulldog. He probably won’t want to go out to do physical activity. As a lazy companion, it will be very difficult to motivate him to start skateboarding. Sometimes it’s better to not force your Bulldog to do something he doesn’t want. Nonetheless, don’t let him do his couch potato all day long, it’s bad for his well-being!
Skateboarding isn’t a sport that requires a lot of athletic qualities. Every Bulldog that doesn’t have serious health or structural problems, should be suitable to ride a skateboard. However, it’s always safe to ask your vet before trying this activity with your buddy. Now, you might wonder why the English Bulldogs would like skateboarding if they don’t like physical activity?
Do Bulldogs Like To Skateboard?

Lazy dogs won’t like to exercise but they need to. That’s why skateboarding is interesting for English Bulldogs. This sport doesn’t take a lot of energy, and it’s very good for them. Nevertheless, do they like to ride a skateboard? On Youtube videos, Bulldogs look like they have a lot of fun, but it’s not clear why. Here are some reasons why dogs enjoy board sports!
- Bulldogs Like Attention!
- They Enjoy Being Outside!
- Bulldogs Can Smell More Scents While Skateboarding!
- They Love To Go Fast!
- Skateboarding Is An Easy Way To Exercise!
How To Train English Bulldogs To Ride A Skateboard?
Even if they are well-suited to skateboard, it’s not innate. For that reason, it may take longer for your bulldog to learn that sport than other activities more natural like running. (Can your Bulldog run with you?) You also will need to be very patient to expect some results for him. I also highly recommend you to have fun while teaching your Bulldog how to ride a skateboard. Otherwise, you are more likely to give up and waste your time!
To help you get started, I’ve found 6 simple steps to teach your dog how to skateboard. By the way, don’t forget that this sport has risks like any other one. Therefore, you should start and follow these steps very gradually to not hurt or injure your Bulldog. Here’s a simple process to teach your dog how to ride on a skateboard!
- Desenstizise Your Bulldog To The Skateboard.
- Help Your Dog To Love His Board. (Positive Reinforcement)
- Teach The Command «Up» To Tell Him To Go On The Skateboard.
- Make Him Feel Comfortable With Movements. (On Grass)
- Teach The Command «Push» To Tell Him To Move Forward.
- Try Skateboarding On Pavement. (Once Your Bulldog Is Ready)
To have more details about these steps, you can read my guide to teach your dog how to skateboard!

5 Skateboarding Tips For Bulldogs!
There are many things to know before exercising your Bulldog. Skateboarding can be very dangerous for him if you don’t take any precautions. Nonetheless, it can also be fun for you and good for your furry friend. English Bulldogs will enjoy spending time on their skateboards once they understand how it works. Here are some tips to help your buddy enjoy this sport safely!
- Choose One Of The Best Skateboard For Dogs!
- Start With Slow and Short Training Periods!
- Don’t Let Your Dog Skateboard In Extreme Temperatures!
- Practice On The Grass! (Carpets or Blankets Are OK)
- Pay Attention To Your Bulldog! (Before, During, and After)
- Have Fun and Don’t Forget To Praise Him!
Last Thoughts About Skateboarding With English Bulldogs!
Finally, I learned many things about skateboarding with dogs during my research. I hope it also helps you to understand most English Bulldogs can enjoy this activity. That’s very fun to watch them riding on their boards. Furthermore, it’s not the only board sport that they could enjoy. Similar sports like surfing or skimboarding are also interesting for dogs that like water. Here’s a video of Tillman an English Bulldog impressive to look at on any kind of board!
Nonetheless, not every dog of this breed can be good like him. That’s why you should keep in mind to always respect your pooch’s capacities and boundaries. If he doesn’t look cozy or falls regularly off the skateboard, that’s maybe not the right sport for him. Happily, there are many other ways to have fun and exercise your Bulldog. However, I would love to see him having fun skateboarding while walking with my dog!