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How Much Exercise Does Your Pitbull Need?

Even if the Pit Bull isn’t an official breed, they are still awesome dogs to have. With their bad reputation, you must own one to know they can be loving, friendly, and loyal companions. Originally bred for fighting and protection work, they are now active and muscular pets.

To keep your buddy strong, fit, and happy, providing him with proper physical activity is essential. But you might wonder how much exercise does your Pitbull need?

Pit Bulls Exercise Together

Pitbull breeds are high-energy dogs that must do a lot of physical activity. In general, they can need anywhere from 1 to 2 hours of daily exercise. It should include daily walks, free playtime, and sports such as running or hiking. Your Pitbull’s age, breed, and other traits will determine how much exercise he needs!

Thus, you have many factors to consider if you want to provide your dog with enough physical and mental stimulation. Every Pitbull has different needs, so you must understand your companion’s requirements to keep him in good shape.

You’re maybe also looking for some ideas on how to exercise him properly. At the end of your reading, you will have all the information you need to take care of your Pitbull’s health and well-being!

How Much Exercise Does A Pitbull Need?

As I’ve just shared with you, active dogs such as Pitbulls should have at least 1 hour of physical activity per day. Depending on their energy level, age, breed, and many other conditions, they might need up to 2 hours of daily exercise.

Apart from moderate walking and fun playtime, your energetic Pitbull will also need from 30 to 90 minutes of vigorous exercise. Strength work, running, and intense games are, therefore, great ways for him to work out efficiently.

However, the general guideline has a huge gap between the minimum and the maximum recommended. That’s why you should push your research a little bit further to find out how much exercise your dog really needs!

What Can Influence Your Pitbull’s Physical Activity Requirements?

The optimal amount of exercise your dog should get will vary according to many elements. His health, physical conditions, and age are just some of the factors you have to consider. Even if Pitbulls are normally active companions, they still all have unique needs!

Health & Physical Conditions.

Overall, most Pitbull breeds are strongly built and have excellent fitness potential. Nonetheless, they are still prone to breathing issues because of their short nose, hip dysplasia, and other more specific conditions.

If your dog has any medical restriction or isn’t in good shape, it’s normal for him to have different exercise needs than other Pitbulls. As long as you understand and respect your Pitbull’s limits, finding the right amount of physical activity to provide him with shouldn’t be too complicated.

Age. (Pitbull Puppy VS Adult VS Senior Exercise Needs!)

For the average adult Pitbull, the general recommendations above are correct. If you own a puppy or a senior dog, his age can highly influence how much exercise he needs!


As you probably already know, young dogs are generally more energetic and playful than older ones. On the other hand, they are more fragile during the first year of their life because their bones, muscles, and joints are still growing. That’s why vigorous exercise isn’t recommended for puppy Pitbulls.

If your dog isn’t an adult yet, free play with puppy toys, socialization, and interactive games is where your main focus should be. Daily walks may not even be necessary for young Pitbulls.

In general, you should provide a puppy around 5 minutes of moderate physical activity per month of age. As an example, a 6-month-old Pitbull would need approximately 30 minutes of exercise every day. Apart from daily walks, you could also provide your young pup with other sources of physical and mental stimulation to keep him fit and happy.

Puppy AgeExercise Needs
3 Months Old15-30 Minutes
4 Months Old20-40 Minutes
5 Months Old25-45 Minutes
6 Months Old30-60 Minutes
Exercise Requirements Chart By Age For Puppy Pitbulls

Senior Dog.

For an older Pitbull, there are also some elements you must consider to provide him with proper exercise. With age, dogs slowly become less energetic, more fragile, and prone to physical conditions. That’s why you need to adapt the type of physical activity you want to with a senior Pitbull.

At an elderly stage, your buddy will also be more likely to suffer from hip dysplasia, arthritis, or other joint issues. Therefore, high-impact sports such as running aren’t recommended for older dogs.

On the other hand, you should not let your senior Pitbull become sedentary and bored. Physical activity and mental stimulation are still essential for his health and well-being even if he is old. Swimming, daily walks, brain games, and many other fun activities can be great to exercise him, despite his age.

Energy Level.

To provide your Pitbull with enough physical and mental stimulation, his capacity to sustain physical activity is another important aspect to consider. Even if this type of breed is generally very active, not every dog has the same level of energy.

Most Pitbulls may be considered hyperactive, but some of them can also act like couch potatoes. Thus, it’s extremely important to analyze your dog’s vigorousness to understand better his exercise needs. The more energy he has the more physical activity and mental stimulation he will need to be satisfied.

Pitbull-Type Breeds.

As the Pitbull is not recognized as an official breed by the AKC, this term is relatively vague. The American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Stanford Bull Terrier, and American Bully can be considered a heterogeneous grouping of Pitbull-type breeds.

Even if they look very similar, each of those breeds has different characteristics and needs. They all descend from Bulldogs and Terriers, so Pitbulls definitely have common traits. Nonetheless, I highly recommend you to do some research about the origin of your dog and his breed.

What About Crossbred Pitbulls? 

If you have a Pitbull that has been mixed with another breed, it’s more difficult to predict how active he will be. Mutts are awesome dogs because they are all different and unpredictable. However, the breeds that are crossbred can probably help you figure out how much exercise you should provide for your buddy.

What Is The Best Way To Know Your Pitbull’s Exercise Requirements?

Finally, there are many things to consider if you want to keep your dog fit, entertained, and happy. If you take the time to analyze his health conditions, age, energy level, and breed, you should have an excellent idea of how much exercise he needs. Then, you can also visit your veterinarian to have personalized advice from an expert point of view.

How Often Should You Walk Your Pitbull?

Here’s another interesting question closely related to how much exercise your Pitbull needs. Walking is an essential part of your life once you decide to adopt a dog. Whatever his physical activity or mental stimulation requirements are, daily walks are necessary to care for his health and well-being.

Most Pitbulls have enough energy and stamina to walk all day long. However, the general thumb of rule for how often you should be walking with your Pitbull is ideally twice a day for around 30 to 45 minutes each time. For one long daily walk with your Pitbull, an hour would be ideal to keep him fit, healthy, and happy!

Can You Run With Your Pit Bull?

Running with a healthy and active dog is an excellent way to exercise together. For Pitbulls, they are indeed well-suited to run alongside their owner. With their short nose and legs, they generally prefer sprints over long-distance running.

Pitbull Running/Walking Off Leash

On the other hand, a Pitbull can be suitable to run anywhere from 2 to 5 miles a couple of times per week depending on his conditions. Thus, it can be an excellent source of physical activity for you and your dog. For more information about running with your Pit Bull, check out this article I’ve made on this topic!

How To Know If You Provide Enough Exercise To Your Pitbull?

Even if you think you’ve found exactly how much physical activity and mental stimulation your dog needs, observation can still be very helpful. Your analysis might be totally wrong, but the signs of under-exercising are generally reliable and easy to notice.

Destructive Behaviors.

Without proper exercise, your Pitbull will find a way to entertain himself. Whether it’s by chewing your favorite shoes or digging in your backyard, he’s giving you a sign that he needs more physical activity and mental stimulation. As everyone says, a tired dog is a good and happy dog!

Whining & Barking.

Another sign you don’t provide enough exercise to your Pitbull is if he becomes more vocal. Barking and whining can be caused by stress, too much energy, boredom, and many other reasons. Thus, unusual whines or barks may be an indication for you to spend more time working out and playing with your dog!

Why Is It So Important To Exercise Your Dog?

Just like any other animal, your Pitbull needs physical activity and brain stimulation. With his high-energy and muscular body, it’s even more essential for him to stay active. Otherwise, he can develop behavioral issues, get overweight, and become bored. If you really care about your dog’s well-being, it’s not something you want to happen.

Unfortunately, many people don’t understand how much time it’s required to keep an energetic dog in good shape. With all the information in this article, you have no more excuse to not provide enough exercise to your Pitbull. If you want him to be happy, you must take care of his physical and mental requirements!

5 Ways To Exercise Your Pitbull!

Now, you may wonder how you can meet your dog’s exercise needs. Let’s be honest, with your personal life, work, family, and other responsibilities, it’s probably not easy to find time for him. Fortunately, there are several ways to provide your Pitbull with proper physical activity and mental stimulation!

Daily Walks.

Walking is the first easy way to exercise your buddy regularly. It’s an excellent source of moderate physical activity for both of you, and it’s also good to stimulate his brain.

Sniffing around on daily walks can be great for enrichment, stimulation, and relaxation for your Pitbull. Thus, you should at least head out on your favorite walking trail together one or two times per day.

Interactive Games.

Playing fetch, tag, hide & seek, tug-of-war, and many other games can be great fun for both of you. It’s also an excellent way to provide your Pitbull with enough physical and mental stimulation. You don’t always need to complicate everything. Interactive games are awesome ways to exercise and spend quality time with your dog!

Dog Sports.

Another excellent solution to keep your Pitbull active, healthy, and happy is to enjoy sports together. Agility training, running, swimming, and urban mushing (canicross, bikejoring, skijoring, etc.) are good for physical activity and can be very fun. If you enjoy boardsports, skatejoring (skateboarding while getting pulled by your Pitbull) could be the best thing you’ve ever tried together!

One of the most popular dog sports for building muscle and providing physical activity is weight pulling. With an appropriate harness, training program, and preparation, you can improve your Pitbull’s strength. However, it’s important to start with light weights, respect your dog’s limits, and know what you’re doing to not cause him serious pain or injuries.

Fun Activities.

Very similar to interactive games, you don’t need any toy or equipment to exercise your pooch. Playing in the water, going to the dog park, chasing bubbles, and many other simple activities can be great to keep your Pitbull entertained and in good shape.

Pitbull Exercise Toys.

Finally, you can also shop for equipment that’s designed especially to provide physical activity and mental stimulation to your companion. To help you find the best options for your needs, here are some of my favorite dog toys!

My first recommendation is the Flirt Pole which is basically a large format of the cat feather teaser toy, but for dogs. By moving the pole in different directions, you Pitbull will happily run and chase the lure. It’s therefore ideal to tap into his prey drive and to tire him out quickly.

Another great toy for chewing and interactive play is the GoughNuts Tug MaXX. It’s extremely durable, versatile, and designed for heavy chewers. Whether you want to play tug-of-war with your Pitbull or let him chew on something else than your shoes, you can’t go wrong with this awesome toy.

If your dog enjoys playing fetch or any other ball game you should definitely consider the Kong Rubber Extreme Ball.

The problem with power chewers such as Pitbulls is that most normal balls won’t last very long with their large and muscular jaws. This one made by Kong is very strong, durable, and safe for your buddy to chew.

You are too busy to play tug-of-war with your Pitbull? Thus, the Tumbo Tugger Exercise Dog Toy may be the ideal solution for you.

It’s a spring pole that can be attached to a tree with a tug toy at the other end. This type of exercise equipment is ideal to let your companion entertain himself while you’re not available!

Puzzle Toy or Snuffle Mat.

For mental stimulation, my favorite toys are either the Nina Ottosson Brick Puzzle or the Snuffle Mat made by PAW5. If you think your Pitbull will destroy the puzzle pieces or rip off the fabric on the mat, you should consider the Extreme Kong Toy to stimulate your heavy chewer’s brain.

You can’t choose just one toy for your four-legged buddy? In this case, the Super Chewer BarkBox is an alternative to provide him with exercise in many different ways!

Pitbull Exercise Routine!

Small regular actions can have huge impacts on you and your dog’s life in the future. That’s why having an exercise routine to do together is one of the best ways to provide him proper exercise and keep you both in good shape.

The average Pitbull needs at least 60 minutes of physical activity including 30 minutes of walking, so you should have that in your routine. To fill up the 30 minutes of vigorous workout you can include things such as running or free playtime. Then, you can add up interactive games, other dog sports, and any other way to exercise with your buddy.

To give you a concrete example, here’s a daily exercise routine that’s ideal for Pitbulls!

TimeExercise Routine
Morning:30 Minutes Of Walking +
Interactive Game (Fetch, Tug-Of-War, Etc.)
Work:9 AM to 5 PM.
Evening:Mental Stimulation (Puzzle, Toys, Training, Etc.) +
Purposeful Activity. (Running, Free Playtime, Etc.)
Daily Pitbull Exercise Routine

If you like planning things, maybe a weekly routine can be something to consider!

DayExercise Routine
Monday:30 Minutes Of Walking + Fetch +
30 Minutes Of Running.
Tuesday:2 x 30 Minutes Of Walking + Tug-Of-War +
Free Playtime.
Wednesday:30 Minutes Of Walking + Fetch +
30 Minutes Of Running.
Thursday:2 x 30 Minutes Of Walking + Tug-Of-War +
Free Playtime.
Friday:30 Minutes Of Walking + Fetch +
30 Minutes Of Running.
Saturday:2 x 30 Minutes Of Walking +
Outdoor Activity (e.g. Hiking) + Interactive Games.
Sunday:2 x 30 Minutes Of Walking +
Outdoor Activity (e.g. Bikejoring) +
Play With Dog Toys.
Weekly Exercise Planning For Pitbulls

There are many ways to exercise your Pitbull, but it’s not always easy to find the time and motivate yourself to do it. That’s why I highly recommend you to create a daily or weekly routine. Developing a series of healthy habits is the ultimate way to provide your dog with proper physical activity and mental stimulation!

Exercise Equipment For Your Pitbull!

To tire out your dog physically and mentally, you may need to invest in specific gear. Whether you want to start hiking or weight pulling training with your Pitbull, you must have the right equipment. Furthermore, toys such as the flirt pole, balls, tug-of-war ropes, and dog puzzles can also be great to keep him entertained, fit, and happy!

The only essential equipment for walking or other simple activities is a collar, a leash, and pop bags. Apart from that, you should also invest in the appropriate gear for what you plan to do with him. For example, it’s highly recommended to have a harness for running, hiking, or any other outdoor sport.

With the proper exercise equipment, your workout sessions will be much more safe and enjoyable for both you and your Pitbull. Thus, you have no reason to not make that smart investment. If you want your dog to stay active and healthy, you must have the gear to enjoy sports and activities together!

What About Mental Stimulation As Exercise For Your Pitbull?

Another huge part of your responsibility is to keep your dog’s brain busy. Pitbulls aren’t especially smart, but they still need a lot of mental stimulation. From training to challenging toys, there are many ways to entertain their mind.

If your dog has behavioral issues, the problem is maybe not the lack of physical activity, but the lack of mental stimulation. Mind enrichment is as essential as working out physically for your Pitbull even though it’s generally more neglected. Thus, here are some ideas to provide him with enough mental exercise!

  • Dog Training.
  • Brain Games.
  • Nose Work
  • Scent Games.
  • Puzzle Toys.
  • Chew Toys.
  • Food-Dispensing Toys.
  • Let Your Dog Sniff On Walks.
  • Etc.

Can You Over Exercise Your Pitbull?

Even high-energy breeds have limits on how much physical activity they can withstand. Too much is as bad as not enough. Over exercised dogs are prone to serious pain and injuries. Therefore, here are some signs to be aware of if you think your Pitbull can’t keep up with your active lifestyle!

Short Term Signs:

  • Confusion.
  • Excessive panting.
  • Extreme thirst.
  • Decreased energy.
  • Drooling.
  • Trouble breathing.
  • Trouble walking or standing.
  • Etc.

Long Term Symptoms:

  • Behavioral changes.
  • Damaged paw pads.
  • Joint injury.
  • Sore muscles.
  • Etc.

Unless you’re an athlete that’s working out and running most of the time, it’s very difficult to provide too much exercise to your Pitbull. Energetic, muscular, and tough, this type of breed is well-suited for active people. Thus, you should simply make sure to respect your dog’s limits and conditions to avoid any problem with too much physical activity!

Last Thoughts About Exercise Requirements For Pitbulls!

Pitbull-type breeds have enough stamina, energy, and strength to enjoy pretty much any adventure or physical activity. So you must be ready to exercise your dog every day to care for his health and well-being. Most Pitbulls should be fine with 30 minutes of daily walks, 30 minutes of vigorous activity, and some mental stimulation.

Pit Bull Running On Trails

Your dog’s minimum exercise needs can vary a lot depending on his age, breed, physical conditions, and several other factors. Furthermore, he won’t say no to more physical activity or cognitive enrichment if your schedule allows it.

With all the information I’ve shared with you in this article, you have everything you need to figure out how much exercise your Pitbull needs. Now it’s time to work out and have fun together with dog sports, toys, games, and other fun activities!
