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How Much Exercise Does Your Poodle Need?

Don’t be fooled by the Poodle’s fashion look because they are extremely active and energetic. Bred as hunting partners, they are athletic, intelligent, and always ready for new adventures.

All Poodle owners should provide their dogs a lot of time to exercise. But you may wonder how much exactly do they need to be healthy and happy?

How Much Exercise Does A Poodle Need?

A healthy adult Poodle should get at least 30 to 60 minutes of exercise per day. This should include daily walks, vigorous physical activity, and mental stimulation. Miniature and Toy Poodles generally require less exercise because of their smaller size.

Active Poodle Exercise Outdoor

What Can Influence Your Poodle’s Exercise Requirements?

Your dog’s breed isn’t the only important element you should consider to understand his needs. His age, health, energy level, and other factors will also help you figure out how much exercise you should provide him with. Thus, here’s more information about the other elements to take into account.

What Type Of Poodle Your Dog Is? (Standard, Miniature, or Toy)

Poodles come in many different sizes. Even if they all have several common traits, they won’t necessarily need the same amount and type of physical activity.

How Much Exercise Does A Standard Poodle Need?

Standard Poodles are medium to large dogs (more than 15 inches at the shoulder) that have a lot of energy and stamina. That’s why it’s recommended to exercise them between 60 and 90 minutes per day. Miniature and Toy Poodles have different needs.

How Much Exercise Does A Miniature Poodle Need?

Miniature Poodles are small to medium dogs. (between 10 and 15 inches at the shoulder) They have a high-energy level and can be as active (or even more) as Standard Poodles. Because of their smaller size, 45 to 75 minutes should be sufficient for most Mini Poodles.

How Much Exercise Does A Toy Poodle Need?

Toy Poodles are the smallest version of this dog breed. (Under 10 inches at the shoulder) However, they are still lively, playful, and energetic companions. That’s why they can stay healthy and happy with anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes of daily exercise.

Poodle TypeExercise Needs
Standard60-90 Minutes
Miniature45-75 Minutes
Toy30-60 Minutes
Exercise Needs Chart For Each Variety Of Poodles.

All Poodles are active and high-energy breeds, but their size can still influence how much exercise they need. The smaller your dog is, the less physical activity you should provide him with. In general, from 30 to 60 minutes of exercise is the bare minimum to meet the average Poodle’s requirements.

Besides physical activity, mind enrichment is also important. No matter what size your dog is, Poodles are intelligent that need plenty of mental stimulation.

How Old Is Your Poodle?

The amount and type of exercise your dog needs will vary according to his age. Young, mature, and old Poodles won’t have the same requirements. You must provide them with appropriate physical and mental activity for their conditions and limits.

Between 30 and 90 minutes of exercise is only an accurate guideline for most adult Poodles. Puppies and senior dogs may not need as much time to be tired out. That’s why you must consider your Poodle’s age to care properly for his health and well-being.

How Much Exercise Does A Puppy Poodle Need?

As a general rule of thumb, young dogs need 5 minutes of exercise for each month of age, up to twice a day. For instance, a 4-month-old Poodle puppy should get between 20 and 40 minutes of moderate physical activity per day. This can be made up of walking, free playtime, or any other low-intensity exercise.

Puppy AgeExercise Needs
3 Months Old15-30 Minutes
4 Months Old20-40 Minutes
5 Months Old25-45 Minutes
6 Months Old30-60 Minutes
Exercise Needs Chart For A Poodle Puppy.

Your pup isn’t suitable for vigorous sports such as hiking, running, or frisbee. His bones, joints, and muscles are still growing, so they are very fragile. That’s why too much or too strenuous exercise can be bad for his development.

How Much Exercise Does A Senior Poodle Need?

After 7 to 9 years old, most dogs become less active and playful. They also get more prone to physical and health conditions such as arthritis or hip dysplasia. Consequently, senior Poodles won’t need as much exercise as they used to be.

However, physical activity is still essential for your dog to stay healthy and happy regardless of how old he is. You only need to adapt the type and amount of exercise you provide him. In general, anywhere between 30 to 45 minutes should be enough for an old Poodle.

Pro Tip: Moderate walking and swimming are two safe ways to exercise senior dogs.

What Are Your Poodle’s Health & Physical Conditions?

Another important aspect you should consider is if your dog is in good shape. Poodles are generally sturdy and healthy, but they can still be prone to specific problems. That’s why I highly recommend you to book an appointment with your vet.

An expert point of view on your Poodle’s health conditions can only help you figure out how much exercise he needs. It’s essential to know if he suffers from physical restrictions such as obesity or hip dysplasia. They can have an impact on the type and amount of physical activity you should provide him.

To care for your dog’s well-being, you must understand and respect his limits. His general health can highly influence his exercise requirements. The previous minimum recommendation (30 to 60 minutes) is only accurate for Poodles in good physical condition.

How Much Energy Your Poodle Has To Burn Off?

As hunting dogs, Poodles are generally very active and energetic. That’s the main reason why they need a great deal of exercise. However, some of them are more hyper than others.

The more energy your dog has, the more exercise he will need to be satisfied.

It’s also important to consider his capacity to sustain physical and mental activity. Poodles with a lot of stamina should be provided with more time to spend their pent-up energy.

Walking As Exercise For Your Poodle!

Daily walks are much more than “potty breaks” for dogs. It’s also an essential source of physical activity and mental stimulation. Walking also allows your Poodle to socialize, spend his excess energy, get some fresh air, and improve his leash manners.

How Far Can A Poodle Walk?

Most Poodles have enough stamina to be suitable for long walks and hikes. In general, they need to walk at least twice a day, totaling between 15 and 60 minutes. The amount of daily walking your Poodle should get vary according to his variety. (Standard, Miniature, or Toy)

  • Standard Poodle: Between 30 and 60 minutes. (Ideally, 3 walks of 10-20 minutes)
  • Miniature Poodle: Between 20 and 40 minutes. (Ideally, 2 walks of 10-20 minutes)
  • Toy Poodle: Between 15 and 30 minutes. (Ideally, 3 walks of 5-10 minutes)
  • Poodle Puppy: 5 minutes for each month of age, ideally two times per day.

What About The Ideal Walking Distance Range?

  • Standard Poodle: Between 2 and 3 miles.
  • Miniature Poodle: Between 1 and 2 miles.
  • Toy Poodle: Between 0.5 and 1 mile.
  • Poodle Puppy: Under 0.5 mile per walk, totaling up to 1 or 2 miles.

What If You Don’t Have Enough Time To Walk Your Poodle Every Day?

There’s not a lot of solutions. You either have to find the time to exercise him or hire someone to do so. Dog walkers can be helpful to keep him healthy and happy even if you have a busy life.

How To Provide Your Poodle With Proper Physical Activity?

Moderate walking isn’t enough to keep an energetic dog in good shape. Vigorous exercise is also essential for him to maintain an active lifestyle and take advantage of all the benefits that are coming along.

Thus, let me share some of the best ways to provide your Poodle with enough physical activity of high intensity.

Can You Run With Your Poodle?

If you are an active person, running with your dog is an excellent sport to exercise together. It’s an efficient way to tire him out and for both of you to improve your health. However, you must make sure he’s suitable to run safely.

Standard and Miniature Poodles can be good running partners for short to medium distances. On the other hand, Toy Poodles are generally too small and fragile for such intense physical activity. Here’s how far each type of Poodle should be suitable to run with proper training and preparation.

  • Standard Poodle: Between 3 and 5 miles. (5 and 8 km)
  • Miniature Poodle: Between 1 and 3 miles. (1.5 and 5 km)
  • Toy Poodle: Only free running for very short distances. (Under 1 mile / 1.5 km)
  • Poodle Puppy: Your dog should only run once he’s fully grown.

Other Great Dog Sports For Poodles.

Apart from running, there are many other sports you can do with your dog. It’s an awesome way to exercise and have fun at the same time together. Most Poodles have the energy level, stamina, and physical capacity to run, jump, and swim.

As long as you adapt the sport to your dog’s limits and conditions, you can include him in pretty much any type of adventure. Swimming, hiking, and agility training are some of the best ways to exercise your Poodle efficiently. Just make sure you have the right gear and that the activity is safe for everyone.

Canicross, skijoring, and bikejoring can also be great dog sports to consider for Standard Poodles. Their size and physical conditions make them suitable to pull you on trails. If you are an outdoor enthusiast and want to exercise your Poodle, urban mushing is definitely for you.

Miniature and Toy Poodles are generally too small and don’t have enough stamina for most vigorous sports. That’s why walking, swimming, or any other low-impact physical activity is more appropriate for them.

With proper training and preparation, Poodles can be well-suited for practically any activity. Here’s a list of all the dog sports they can participate in:

  • Running.
  • Swimming.
  • Hiking.
  • Dog Agility.
  • Urban Mushing. (Canicross, Skijoring & Bikejoring)
  • Obedience.
  • Flyball.
  • Hunting.
  • Tracking.
  • Herding.
  • Conformation showing.
  • Search and rescue.
  • Work as service or therapy dogs.

Interactive Games & Free Playtime!

Meeting your Poodle’s exercise needs doesn’t have to be complicated. Simple and fun activities can be as efficient as dog sports to spend his excess energy. Here are some ideas to provide your dog with proper physical activity without too much training, preparation, and gear.

Play Fetch or Frisbee.

Chasing and retrieving balls is an excellent activity for hunting dogs. Fetch will engage your Poodle’s high prey drive and tire him out very quickly. To make this classic game more convenient and fun for everyone, I highly recommend you to invest in the ChuckIt Ball Launcher.

If fetch is too repetitious for either you or your dog, frisbee can be the perfect alternative. You merely need an appropriate disc such as the Kong Flyer or the Flippy Flopper Frisbee and some free time to get started.


It’s another fun game to exercise your dog physically and mentally. Tug-of-war is very good for him to burn off energy, improve his self-control, and stimulate his mind.

If you don’t have any tug toy to play with, you should check out the West Paw Bumi (ideal for small Poodles) or the Tug Goughnuts (durable enough for heavy chewers).

Other Fun Exercise Ideas.

There are many other creative ways to provide your Poodle with proper physical activity. As long as you have some time, energy, and imagination, you should be able to satisfy his body. Here are some of my best ideas to exercise and have fun together simultaneously.

  • Teach Him How To Chase & Catch Bubbles.
  • Hang Out At The Dog Park.
  • Play With A Hose In Your Garden.
  • Try Simple Games Such As Hide-And-Seek.
  • Go At The Beach To Walk, Play & Swim.
  • Let Your Creativity Flow…

Use Dog Toys To Exercise Your Poodle.

If you have more money than time, toys can be an excellent idea to keep your dog happy and healthy. Poodles are generally very playful and energetic, so investing in objects designed to meet their exercise requirements is a no-brainer.

I’ve already recommended products to play fetch, frisbee, and tug-of-war. But there are many other great options you should consider to help your Poodle maintain an active lifestyle. Thus, here are some of the best toys I’ve found to tire him out!

Flirt Pole. → Squishy Flirt Pole

The Flirt Pole is kind of a giant version of the classic tether teaser cat toy, but for dogs. It’s made of a long stick with a cord and a lure at the end. This exercise equipment will engage your Poodle’s high prey drive and spend his pent-up energy quickly.

Whether you want to play in your living room, at the dog park, or in your backyard, the Flirt Pole can help you tire him out in relatively small areas. This toy is the perfect solution to satisfy your Poodle both physically and mentally.

Interactive Ball. → Babble Ball

Dogs are social animals that want to interact with others. If you’re not at home, the best way to help your Poodle feel like he’s not alone is with the Babble Ball. It’s a motion-activated toy that talks, growls, and makes fun sounds to entertain him for hours.

This interactive ball will encourage your dog to exercise and stimulate him mentally at the same time. It’s therefore great to reduce stress, alleviate boredom, and improve his overall health. Made from durable material, the Babble Ball can also stand up to rough play.

Automatic Ball Launcher. → iFetch

With your busy life, it can be hard to find time for your dog. But it’s not a reason to let him get bored and inactive. As I already told you, fetch is an excellent activity to provide your Poodle with proper exercise. If you think you have to be there for him to chase and retrieve balls, you’re wrong.

The iFetch company has developed an interactive ball launcher to let your dog play on his own. You only have to teach him how to retrieve and put the ball in the machine. Then, he has everything he needs to stay in good shape even if you’re not at home or you don’t have time to play fetch.

Quick Tip: If you have a Standard Poodle, I recommend you to select the large size. For Miniature and Toy Poodles, the smaller model may be more appropriate for their size.

What About Mental Stimulation For Poodles?

Exercise isn’t all about physical activity, fitness, and sports. Mind enrichment is also essential to keep your dog healthy and happy. The Poodle is active and intelligent, so you have to satisfy his body as well as his brain.

Training is one of the best ways to provide dogs with proper mental stimulation. Learning new skills regularly will not only challenge their minds. It’s also great to make them work on their obedience, improve their manners, and have fun.

Another great idea to provide your Poodle with mental exercise is with challenging games and toys. For example, dog puzzles such as the Nina Ottosson Brick Toy can keep him busy for long periods.

The Classic Kong is also one of the most effective products to satisfy your dog’s intellectual needs, especially for chewers. Besides toys, teaching him how to play the shell game can be very efficient to stimulate his mind.

Dogs have an acute sense of smell that you shouldn’t neglect. Indeed, scent work can be an excellent source of mental stimulation. That’s why you should consider playing games such as “Find the treats” or “Pick the right hand”.

Letting your Poodle work for his food is also great for mind enrichment. The Snuffle Mat or the Bob-A-Lot are two of the best toys to entertain him mentally at dinner time. Eating kibbles doesn’t have to be boring; it can actually be fun and stimulating.

Why Is Exercise So Important For Your Poodle?

Many people wonder what will happen if they don’t walk their dogs or don’t exercise them enough. To make it simple, physical activity and mental stimulation are essential for their happiness and well-being. Poodles aren’t the type of companions that can stay inactive at home all day long.

If you don’t exercise your dog properly, he will get bored. In this state, he’s very likely to develop destructive behaviors such as chewing or digging. It’s an easy way for neglected Poodles to entertain themselves.

Another potential problem caused by the lack of exercise is obesity. An overweight dog can be prone to many other health conditions. If you don’t want your Poodle to suffer and gain weight, you have to help him maintain an active lifestyle.

Overall, a tired dog is a good and happy dog. So you must understand how much exercise your Poodle needs. It’s the key to caring for his physical and mental health.

Signs Your Poodle Needs More Exercise!

  • Depression Symptoms.
  • Destructive Behaviors. (Digging & Chewing)
  • Difficulty To Focus.
  • Excessive Barking.
  • Restlessness or Hyperactivity.
  • Stiffness.
  • Unhealthy Weight.
  • Etc.

Can You Over-Exercise Your Poodle?

On the other hand, it’s also possible to exceed your dog’s requirements. Unfortunately, too much exercise can be as harmful as not enough, even if he has a lot of energy. That’s why you should find the right balance to keep him healthy and happy.

Anything over 2 hours of physical activity is not appropriate for most Poodles, especially for the Miniature and Toy variety. As long as you respect your dog’s limits and conditions, everything should be fine.

Signs Your Poodle Is Getting Too Much Exercise!

Short Term Signs:

  • Confusion/Incoordination.
  • Excessive panting.
  • Exercise-induced collapse.
  • Extreme thirst.
  • Decreased energy.
  • Trouble breathing.
  • Trouble walking or standing.
  • Drooling.
  • Wobbliness
  • Etc.

Long Term Symptoms:

  • Sore muscles.
  • Damaged paw pads.
  • Joint injury.
  • Behavioral changes.
  • Etc.

Last Thoughts About How Much Exercise Does Your Poodle Need!

Finally, there’s a lot of information you should know to keep your dog in good shape. Regardless of their size, all Poodles are smart and athletic. That’s why they can require anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes of daily exercise.

Poodle Exercise With Water

I hope my article has helped you to understand what you should provide your dog with to care for well-being. Don’t forget to consider his breed, age, and energy level. Now it’s time to go out and find the best ways to meet your Poodle’s exercise needs!

Have Fun & Good Workout!